Page 4 of Unwrapped
That was what I told myself, repeatedly, as he moved around my place of work, seemingly unaffected after his initial moment of seeing me.
The knowledge that I was lying to myself sat heavy in my stomach.
December 1st
4:20 p.m.
“You’re working? On a Friday?”
I glanced up from my laptop to see three guys standing in front of the table I’d set myself up on, next to the huge windows on the third floor of the LSU student library that looked out onto the quad. Damon, Levi, and Noah were all students on the business part of my degree, and I knew they shared a house with some of the guys from the LSU football team.
“You’re here, too,” I pointed out, eyeing the pile of books clasped in Noah’s arms.
Shifting the stack of books, Noah shot me a wry smile. “Yeah. I wanted to—no,wewanted to get Dr. Wilder’s coursework out of the way.”
“That was my idea as well.” The four of us shared a grimace, thinking of our lecturer’s short temper. “The sooner it’s finished, the better.” What I didn’t mention was that I’d dragged myself to the library in an attempt to distract myself from thoughts of Ryan Jackson.
I still couldn’t believe that he was in London. I’d been sure he would get a place at a northern university like he wanted. But instead, he was here in the same city as me.
And the same gym as me. Not working out, but actually working there. The small, out-of-the-way gym that my sister’s boyfriend had insisted on me joining.
My mind had been blown.
And still was.
After the guys had gone, I struggled through another hour of attempting to work while trying not to think of Ryan, but eventually gave it up as a lost cause. Heading down to the student union for an early dinner, I stood in line, ordering on autopilot, barely aware of my surroundings.
When I’d paid, I stopped for a second and was jostled by someone standing too close to me. I blinked, focusing on my tray to find out I’d ordered lasagne, garlic bread, and a bottle of water. At least my subconscious still remembered what I liked to eat. Glancing around, I looked for a free table.
“Sam,” a voice said so quietly I almost thought I’d imagined it. My gaze turned in the direction of the shy wave to see Leo, a guy from my computing course, sitting at a four-person table with a blonde girl and a guy with wavy brown hair threaded with reds and golds.
I quickly made my way across the room, sinking into the free seat at the table. “Hi, Leo.”
The guy I didn’t know shot Leo a sideways glance, and then his mouth curved into a genuine smile, directed at me. “I’m JJ, and this is Alyssa. We’re in Leo’s dance module.”
Another quick glance at Leo showed me he was unwilling to talk, his eyes downcast as he chewed on his lip, his cheeks flushing red. I’d been seated next to him in one of my computing modules since the beginning of the semester, and I’d quickly found out that he was the shy and quiet type. I respected that, and I’d never pushed him to talk. Over time, he’d opened up to me a bit, and I felt like I could call him a friend, but I knew he got uncomfortable in social situations.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Sam, and I’m studying computing with Leo. Are you guys in your second year?” I knew Leo was a second year from what he’d told me—our particular module had a mix of first- and second-year students before people chose their specialisation for the third year, but I knew that wasn’t standard practice.
“Yep.” Alyssa nodded. “We’re putting together a group dance routine at the moment. Technically, we don’t need to start it until after Christmas, but it’s good to get a head start, right? Do you like to dance?”
“Uh.” Did I? I guessed so, if alcohol was involved, and if we were counting me throwing my arms in the air at a club. “I do…but I’m far from a professional. I actually signed up to a boxing gym today, so I suppose that’ll be my exercise.”
“Oh! Is it Savage Boxing Gym?” Alyssa perked up.
“That’s it. Why, do you go there?” I was suddenly far too invested in her answer.
She nodded again. “I do. Boxing’s fun. I like to do a mix of different workouts—I find it helps with my dance flexibility and stamina. There’s a new trainer there. He’s hot.” Fanning herself, she pretended to swoon.
He’s mine.
I pushed away the unwanted thought.
Ryan Jackson wasn’t my anything.
He didn’t even want to acknowledge my existence.