Page 36 of Primal
My heart gives a flutter at her words, but I maintain my nonchalant facade. “Soren and I like to fuck everyone.”
Her eyes widen slightly at my response, a soft chuckle escaping her lips as she shakes her head. “Good to know.” There’s a teasing glint in her eyes now, and that same spark of intrigue from before.
The woman is full of surprises.
Just when I think she’s going to ask another provocative question, a sudden gust of wind shakes the house again, followed by another deafening roll of thunder. Her momentary amusement fades, replaced by that same vulnerability from before. The power flickers, causing the lights to dim before returning to their usual glow.
Fiora pulls her legs up onto her chair, wrapping her arms around them as she continues to watch me. There’s a haunted look in her eyes now, as if the storm outside has brought back memories she would rather forget.
“What is it?” My voice is barely audible over the violent winds.
She doesn’t respond at first, just bites her lip and looks away. When she speaks, her words are soft and distant. “I used to be scared of storms. I used to be scared of everything. Until I got old enough to know what it meant to be a Godwin. I was invincible. I was a God among men. Nothing could touch me. And then… my brother was killed. Reality sunk in. We’re all mortal. Even Godwins.”
That’s when I notice the slight shudder of her shoulders, the quick intake of breath every time a particularly loud clap of thunder echoes through the house. In that moment, my resolve hardens once more. This time not because of an order from Braken or because there’s something in it for me, but because Fiora needs me.
“You’re safe here.” I rise from my chair and move toward hers.
She doesn’t pull away when I kneel in front of her, reaching out to gently take hold of her hand. Her eyes meet mine then—deep, dark pools filled with uncertainty and fear hidden underneath a front as violent as the storm outside.
I thread my fingers through hers, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. “You have nothing to fear while you’re with us. Braken is working hard on finding out who killed your brother, and when he does— We will make them pay,” I finish, my voice a low, dangerous growl.
The surety of my words stirs a small change in her expression. Is it hope? Relief? I can’t quite tell.
Her fingers tighten around mine, and she gives me a small nod, acknowledging my promise. For the first time since we’ve met, I swear I detect the faintest flicker of trust.
I let the silence fill the room, allowing her to process my words and let the soothing rhythm of the rain against the window do its work. There’s a strange intimacy in this moment, and I’m instantly uncomfortable.
Soren and I aren’t exclusive. Far from it. We fuck, but we don’t get intimate with people. That’s the unspoken rule we have. And sitting here, touching Fiora is… well… it’s borderline breaking a rule.
Without warning, a loud crash comes from somewhere in the house, followed by an eerie whistling as wind finds its way through an unsecured window or door. Fiora jumps at the noise, her eyes widening as she looks at me—a silent plea for reassurance.
“I’ll handle it,” I say. “Why don’t you go on to bed. Braken will be here in a few hours. I’ll wait for him on the couch.”
Fiora nods, her gaze lingering on me a moment longer before she rises slowly, releasing my hand.
“Goodnight,” she says.
“Goodnight,” I repeat when I see that the back door has blown open but there is no damage from the storm.
Left alone, I take a deep breath, trying to shake the peculiar warmth still lingering from our exchange. This is not what I signed up for. We are tasked to protect the Godwin heir, not to console or offer comfort. Maybe fuck her. Maybe.
But not to do anything beyond that.
Chapter 20
“Did you fuck her?” Soren asks as I enter the apartment.
I freeze. “Why would you ask that?”
He shrugs, not the slightest bit bothered. “Because why not? You were both alone and?—”
“We don’t fuck people alone,” I snap, not appreciating his nonchalance. “It’s our rule. You know this. We only fuck each other alone.”
Reading my anger, he approaches with hands raised in a placating gesture. “Hey, I was just asking.” His voice is smooth and comforting in a way only he can do. “There’s no need to get worked up.”
I take a deep breath, willing myself to calm down. “Everything about Fiora and Braken, and then us… it’s not sitting well with me.”