Page 41 of How Dare You
“It’s only day six,” he says, surprising me with his exact knowledge of how long I’ve been here. “Have a little faith.” He swipes his fingers through his slightly-too-long hair. “So, what’s my truth?”
I roll my eyes. “You trying to wife me up, or you just want to get your dick wet?”
He sputters a laugh around his sip of beer, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. “Are those my only two options?”
“Neither of them are options.” I toss and catch another piece of popcorn. “But I want to know what you’re after.”
He laughs, cocky, self-assured. “Then I’d go with the first and hope you wouldn’t leave me hanging on the second.”
That leaves me a little stunned. “You’re not supposed to lie.”
His thick brows, a few shades darker than his sandy blond hair, draw together briefly. “And you’re supposed to trust that I’m telling the truth.”
I can’t be understanding this correctly. “So, given the option between one night of sex with me, or a lifetime commitment, you’re picking commitment?”
“I would pick commitment if those were real choices you’d given me.” He tips the long neck of his beer bottle toward me. “But we’re only working with hypotheticals, remember?”
I hum an affirmative response, nodding, but his answer is a surprise. My intention was to get him to admit he only wants to hook up with me, but it backfired. If getting a sexy, impertinent man to admit he wants to commit to me counts as a bad thing. Which it has to.
“What’ll it be, mama?” His voice cuts through my contemplation and saves me from lingering on his answer. “Truth or dare?”
“I dare you to call me daddy for the rest of the night. No Rhett. No McCoy.” Knew I shouldn’t have brought that up. I can just avoid addressing him for the rest of the night. Apparently sensing the direction of my thoughts, he adds, “And you have to say it at least five times.”
“Fine, daddy.” I get the first one out of way. “Truth or dare.”
His eyes are wide, jaw slack. I didn’t realize calling him daddy would give me the power to have him practically drooling in an instant, and I certainly didn’t anticipate the accompanying heat building me in my chest either.
I’m in trouble. I knew I would like this. Knew this woman who carries herself with such power, such control, needed someone to be strong for her. To let her rest. What I didn’t plan for was the fact that every time she calls me daddy, my cock responds.
“Are you listening to me, daddy?” she asks, a teasing smirk on her lush lips. Fuck. She knows exactly what she’s doing to me.
I nod.
“Truth or dare?” she asks, seemingly not for the first time.
“Dare.” Dares are always more fun.
She raps her nails against the neck of her beer, considering. “I dare you to stop calling me mama for the rest of the night.”
Dammit. That’s not fun at all. “And if I mess up?”
“You can’t keep trying to get out of dares by saying you can’t do them.” She throws a piece of popcorn at me, bouncing it off my chest. “Don’t mess it up.”
“You won’t hear me call you mama until the morning.” I nod. “Your turn.”
“Truth.” Her voice carries a lightness I’m unaccustomed to.
Folding my hands behind my head, I lean back in my chair, stretching my legs out long until my shoes tap against the metal frame of the firepit. There are thousands of truths I want from her, but I’m starting with something fun. “Did your friends pack you a vibrator?”
“No,” she laughs, a bright, delicate sound-rare and beautiful like its owner. “Listen, my friends and I are close. Probably closer than most friends, but we draw the line at touching each other’s sex toys.”
It doesn’t surprise me that she answered so quickly and honestly, but hearing her talk about sex toys is making it even harder to keep my cool. “Well, damn. There goes the next dare I had in mind for you.”
She laughs again. “Very funny. What’ll it be next?”