Page 6 of Tempted
“Yeah. Plenty of time.” What else could I ask him? “How do you know JJ, anyway?”
He shrugged. “We went to the same school. He was in the year above me, and there weren’t many out gay people in our school, so I guess we kind of gravitated towards each other. He’s one of my best friends.”
The question was on the tip of my tongue. Fuck it. I’d just ask him. “Have you two ever, uh?—”
“Hooked up?” When I nodded, he flashed me a quick grin. “Yeah. Only a couple of times. Once when we were bored—oh, that was with our friend Shay, too. And another time before that, when I practiced my cock sucking technique on him.”
“You practiced your cock sucking technique on him,” I repeated slowly. The images going through my mind… Not of him with JJ, but of him with me.
My heart rate sped up, and I realised my palms were clammy. Fuck. I was heading straight into uncharted bi territory.
“No better way to learn. JJ’s very knowledgeable about these things, you know.”
“Uh-huh.” I was still stuck on the image of Niccolò on his knees, that tempting mouth wide open and ready for— Fuck. I picked up my mug, taking a huge gulp of my caffè mocha in the hope that it would make me focus on anything else. Anything but that.
“Ben? Are you okay?”
“Great. Brilliant. Uh. So, what did you think of the match?”
“It was good. Do you want me to come and watch you again? Are you going to come back to Revolve? Can we go somewhere so I can kiss you?” The questions came tumbling out of his mouth in a breathless rush, and it took me a minute to parse through them.
When I realised what he’d said, my breath caught in my throat. Staring at him, wide-eyed, I took several deep breaths, attempting to slow my racing heart. “Okay. Wow. You really are forward, aren’t you? To answer your questions—if you want to, maybe, and uh…I—I don’t know.”
Resignation filled his gaze, but he nodded, accepting my words. “That’s okay. I—I shouldn’t have asked. I know I can be a bit much. I guess I just…I just thought I’d try my luck. Sorry if I came across as pushy.” His voice came out small, and he wouldn’t look at me.
“Hey.” Reaching out, I placed my hand on his arm. “You haven’t got anything to be sorry for.” I paused for a minute before shaking my head. I was seriously tempted, and I might never get another chance like this. “Fuck it. You only live once. Yes, to your third question.”
He stared at me with huge, disbelieving eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. As sure as I can be.”
A wide, beaming smile spread across his face. Immediately placing his hot chocolate down, he jumped to his feet. “Let’s go. I know a place.”
Draining the rest of my mocha, I followed suit, grinning at his enthusiasm. As we exited the coffee shop, I took a moment to admire the sight of him in my hoodie. I liked seeing him wrapped up in my clothes. Which was ridiculous, really, because we hadn’t even… We didn’t even know each other.
Although it appeared that we were about to become a little more intimately acquainted.
Niccolò led me into the campus library and over to the lifts. When we were inside, he hit the button for the basement, which held the study carrels.
I approved of the idea.
Stopping next to one of the empty private carrels in the far corner of the basement area, he slid something out of his pocket and began fiddling with the door. The lock suddenly popped open, and he laughed breathlessly. “It worked.”
“Breaking and entering?”
“Yep. JJ told me about this one. Carrel twenty-two. The lock doesn’t work properly, and you can open it with a credit card. I haven’t tried it before now, but I did good, right?” He gave me a bright smile as he slid the door open.
He was so fucking cute. And sexy. I allowed myself to appreciate him all over again. “You did good. What’s going to happen now?”
In reply, he grabbed my wrist and tugged me inside the carrel, sliding the “occupied” sign across to show the carrel was in use, before closing the door. Hopping up onto the table, he crooked his finger at me.
“Now, we kiss.”
Dropping my bag to the floor, I stepped in between his legs, staring down at him. He stared right back, his lips slightly parted, his eyes huge with his pupils rapidly expanding. Lifting my hand, I cupped his chin. My fingers trembled, but I wasn’t backing out now. “You’re gorgeous.”
A smile curved over his mouth, and I lowered my head to kiss it.
At first, it was just a soft brush of lips. Then, he made a noise in the back of his throat, almost like a whimper, and the kiss deepened, our mouths opening against each other’s. I stroked my fingers over his jaw, taking my time, and he let me control the kiss, his fingers coming up to curl around my biceps.