Page 19 of Tempted
You’re killing me. Forgot to say I’m on the bus with the rest of the team and you’ve given me the most obvious boner ever. Got to sit sideways to hide it
I laughed to myself, clapping my mouth shut when the person at the next table glared at me. Giving them an apologetic wave, I returned my attention to Bennett.
That visual gives me a boner and I’m in the library. This is a sacred place of learning, Bennett!
My hot footballer:
Payback is sweet baby. Got to go but I don’t want to. Hurry up and finish your essay so I can see you. I miss you
I miss you too
Placing my phone down with a sigh, I returned to my work. At least Bennett had given me an incentive to finish as quickly as possible.
* * *
“Right there.” I stared down at Bennett, admiring the way the muscles in his arm flexed as he curled his fingers inside me. A moan fell from my throat as he brushed across my prostate, and he shot me a quick, satisfied smile. Yeah, my man had accuracy skills on the pitch and in the bedroom. In just a short time, he’d somehow discovered exactly how to push every one of my buttons, and sex with him was the most fulfilling, satisfying, amazing experience.
“Yeah? You like that?” Withdrawing his fingers, he slicked up his cock, but instead of pushing inside, he pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “You’re so beautiful, Nic.”
A sudden rush of feelings hit me all at once, overwhelming me, and I was lost for words. Gripping the back of his neck, I held him in place, kissing him again, pouring everything I had into it.
Bennett hadn’t been part of my agenda, let alone falling for him, and yet, here I was. Falling. Hard.
“Ben,” I whispered, helpless, and he pressed inside, so slowly, kissing me all the while. It brought a lump to my throat and made me melt inside. This man was everything to me.
“Gonna make you feel so good,” he promised, rolling us so he was on his back and he could wrap me up in his arms. “You’re amazing, Nic. So fucking special. And you’re mine.”
Blinking away sudden tears, I held on to him with everything I had, letting him sweep me towards the edge, until I exploded in blissful oblivion, with him following me soon after.
I never wanted to leave this moment, and it scared me so much. How could one person be so perfect for me? How would I survive if he let me go?
I hoped with everything in me that it wasn’t too good to be true, that I wasn’t just a novelty to Bennett. Because if he wanted to give me up, it would tear me apart.
Niccolò had been quiet and a bit distant over the past few days, which was unusual for him. I wasn’t sure why—was it something I’d done? I didn’t think so, but there was definitely something going on with him, and I needed to get to the bottom of it.
Booting the ball across the pitch to Liam, I tried to push all my worries from my mind and focus on training. I still hadn’t got to play as many games as I’d like, but I’d been working hard on my technique, and after the match last weekend, Bryan, our coach, had singled me out for praise. It was a good sign.
The whistle blew, and I jogged over to the side of the pitch, swiping my bottle of water from the ground and draining half of it in one go. It was so warm today. Half the team had taken their shirts off so we could play skins versus shirts, and as I peeled up the hem of my T-shirt to wipe the sweat from my forehead, I wished I’d been picked for the skins side.
“You coming to the student union after?”
Dropping my bottle, I turned to face Ander, shading my eyes with my hand. “Maybe. I’m waiting to hear from Nic.”
He nodded, screwing up his eyes against the bright sunlight as he shoved his hand into his sweaty hair, pushing it back out of his face. “It’s too fucking hot for this. I think we should ditch the student union and go to the pub. I need an ice-cold pint in a beer garden.” Pausing, he glanced across the pitch to where Elliot was sitting with Noah, sprawled out with textbooks and headphones, having an impromptu study session in the sun while their boyfriends trained. “Speaking of Nic, what’s happening with you two? Are you together now, like boyfriends?”
Boyfriends. It was a big step, but it was what I wanted. I wanted Niccolò to be mine officially. Accepting my bisexuality had been surprisingly easy, and a lot of that was down to this group of guys I’d been getting to know over the past few months. Guys who were open and accepting. Guys who were becoming my friends. It had allowed me to see my relationship with Niccolò for what it was—not an experiment or something I was trying out because it was new and exciting, but something I wanted to nurture and grow because I was falling for him.
“No…not yet. I thought…I hoped we were heading that way.”
“But?” Ander’s full attention was on me now.
“But nothing.” Scrubbing my hand across my face, I sighed. “I dunno. I just…he’s been a bit quiet lately. It’s probably just me being paranoid, but I can’t help getting doubts in my head. What if he’s had enough of me and he’s?—”