Page 5 of King Sized
“Yes, of course you are capable of guiding us, Queen. But others might be…shall we say, skeptical? That a girl of eighteen could defend against attacks or make strategic decisions.” Richard hesitates, combing fingers through his thinning gray hair. “I don’t want to make this time harder for you, but it appears the attack on your parents wasn’t merely a robbery. They were hired assassins from the neighboring kingdom of Northstream.”
My blood turns icy. “Assassins?”
“Why? What would Northstream hope to gain from killing my parents?”
“We can only speculate, Your Majesty, but…”
“Please.” I lean forward. “Speak plainly.”
Richard nods. “The king of Northstream is ambitious. It is possible he wanted to provoke a war with Downsriver. And without the king and queen on the throne, he might assume a victory is inevitable.”
“I see. And if I marry, we might avoid a war. Or win one, if need be.”
“Yes, Your Majesty. I have two choices in mind. Both of them princes. Marrying one of them would not only secure Downsriver but build an alliance with another kingdom as well.”
I hum in response, feeling as though I’m having an out-of-body experience. If only I could go back to yesterday morning when these huge decisions weren’t mine to make.
Once again, my attention finds its way to Rex and he’s watching me openly now from the corner of his eye, those big hands balled into fists.
A spear seems to have lodged in my middle.
If I take a husband, I’ll never be able to hug him again.
I’m suddenly so anxious for one of those hugs, I could choke.
“You’ve given me a lot to think about, Richard,” I say, ready to fling this heavy crown across the hall. “I’ll give you my decision before the day is over.”
Richard laughs nervously. “Your Majesty, my apologies, but I must insist we move quickly on this. I’ve already sent word to the princes. They will be here tomorrow.”
I swallow my reaction with difficulty. An advisor isn’t supposed to make decisions of this magnitude without express consent of their superior. In this case…me. But he’s known me since I was a child. He’s my godfather. So while I know the proper thing to do is admonish him, I can’t seem to find it in me. Not with all the members of the palace court present. Furthermore, maybe he’s right. Maybe this isn’t something that can wait and I should be grateful for his proactive attitude. “Thank you,” I murmur.
Which isn’t necessarily an agreement.
The last thing I want to do is send soldiers—soldiers like Rex—into a battle to die. And what of the people who I now rule? What if they are killed or lose their houses? Loved ones? I cannot allow that to happen.
But is my only option marrying a prince for protection?
Surely there must be another way.
Needing some air, I push to my feet.
I start to come down from the elevated throne platform, when a thought occurs to me. There is a chance I won’t be able to avoid marriage, but I am still the queen.
I do have power, don’t I?
“Richard,” I say, lifting my chin, frowning when the crown slides down and I have to push it up. “Starting today, I shall only require one guard, instead of fourteen.”
He whitens. “But, Your Majesty, if anything, you should have more protection now that you are queen—”
“I will retain Rexington Monroe as my personal guard,” I blurt, before I can lose my nerve—and oh my. Saying his name out loud makes me shiver. “The other thirteen brave men will be placed among the streets of Downsriver. I seem to recall my father discussing an uptick in crime near the market. They can better serve the kingdom there. Thank you.”
I don’t wait for another argument, hurrying down the center aisle of the great hall.
I’m shocked at my aplomb, but I do my best not to show it.
When I’m even with Rex, he pushes off the wall and follows me, his big shadow swallowing me up from behind. “I think I’ll go for a swim,” I say, smiling at him over my shoulder.
Do I hear a groan or is that my imagination?
I’ve been coming to this private inlet of water since I was a child, though it has been a while. Specifically, when I got breasts, I started coming here a lot less. I couldn’t very well go frolicking around in wet underthings with fourteen soldiers watching me, could I?
I’m not sure why I feel safe doing it in front of Rex.
Or maybe safe isn’t the correct word.
I find myself…wanting to be daring with Rex.
Last night, lying with a man who wasn’t my husband? That was incredibly daring.
It isn’t unusual for two young people to marry after being caught in such a compromising position…
If I’d been caught with Rex, would my parents have forced a wedding to salvage my honor? Or would they have tried to cover it up?