Page 9 of Beast Mode Todd
Someone had planted that shit. But how had they known that the cops were going to show up that night? I wasn’t in the habit of running into the law and that shit was just too well orchestrated for my liking.
So who and why? Since I’d always assumed that it was one of the deputies, I’d never looked any farther than them. The truth is I’d been mostly fixated on her and her part in this shit so hadn’t given much thought to that part of it. No more than to plot their fucking deaths.
I may draw the line at killing a female outright, but I hadn’t lost any sleep over my plans to kill them one by one. But now as I sat there in the dark going over shit, something wasn’t adding up. Something that was right under mynose.
The town wasn’t that big, maybe seven thousand at most. And though we didn’t all know each other, it was a tight knit community more prone to tailgating parties and Friday night football at the local high school.
Drugs were a bad deal for sure, but most of the addicts went one town over to score, everybody knew that. I didn’t have any beefs with anyone, had never fucked anyone over, and had more friends than enemies. The shit was giving me a headache.
I went back to the computer screen as if drawn there for one last look at her. I’m not the type to give anyone an easy pass, especially not the woman who’d set my ass on a collision course with hell, but I can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to this shit than meets theeye.
I will admit that my tunnel vision where she’s concerned may have blinded me to other things and maybe I need to do some reordering, but the fact still remains that she’d been the instigator in allthis.
With my anger cooled somewhat now that the first meet was over, I could commit more time to delving deeper and going beyond the hard-on I’ve had to fuck her shit up for the past five years.
Maybe I should retrace my steps and try to find the piece of the puzzle that was missing. Damn, in five and a half years she’d been my sole focus. Maybe that shit had blinded me to other things.
Well, sitting here in the dark perving on her body under the sheets wasn’t gonna give me any answers so I’d better get to work. But where the fuck to start? I remember that day like it was yesterday. The shit has been playing over and over in my head like it was on a loop for the past five years. I’m gonna be so pissed if I missed something major, which is what I was beginning to suspect.
I pulled up her Facefuck page and went through her friends whom I never paid much attention to before. Looking to see if maybe I knew any of them or had ever had any dealings. That was a bust and so was the search of her family. I knew none of these people.
It wasn’t about the business I’d been in the process of opening. The place had been vacant for years before I turned my sights on it and there hadn’t been any scuffles over the signing and shit. Another dead-end.
I spent most of the night going through my own notes and digging into shit that I’d barely glanced at before but by the time midnight came around I was still no closer to an answer.
I packed it in and went to bed with her face in my head and that look of sadness and fear plaguing my mind. This honor shit is a hard thing to quit and if somehow someone had used her to get to me I’ll have to take that shit into consideration. I’m still gonna fuck her though.
At the end of the day, it all circles back to her there was no disputing that shit. If she’d been set up then she should’ve spoken up sooner. Nothing was going to give me back the time that I’d lost. I’m not the man to let her walk away scot- free.