Page 12 of Beast Mode Todd
“Shh. You’re safe.” I nuzzled her hairline inhaling her sweet scent while asking myself what the fuck I thought I was doing.
I could pretend that this was just part of the deal, that I was still just reeling her in, but inside I knew different. All those evenings I’d been sneaking over here, buttering her up, something else had been happening to me too. Somehow it was becoming harder and harder to call up that anger that was once likeair.
I knew she wanted to kiss me and to be perverse or more like to insure myself that I was still the one in control, I refused to give her my mouth. I don’t know how long we stood there like that. Me holding her, my cock mere inches away from the heat between her thighs. Could’ve been minutes or seconds. Tomorrow suddenly felt a million milesaway.
There was an extra element added with the fact that he was so close, that there were only a few feet between us and discovery. I didn’t feel too interested now though, in him catching us together. Things were becoming muddled in myhead.
I squinted down at her as I fought valiantly to remind myself that she wasn’t to be trusted. For all I know this could be a con. “He’s gonna come back soon.” She tried evading my hold but I tightened my hands on her hips and heldon.
“ I can hear him, relax.” I stood there long enough for her to become as uncomfortable as I was, not saying shit, just looking at each other. How could she be this innocent? How could she not know that with our history she should be watching herback?
It was at the tip of my tongue to ask her why she wasn’t more wary, why she hadn’t blown my cover? As much time as we’d spent together I was still no closer to figure her ass out. I could accuse her of letting me get away with this shit while she was engaged, but I’d seen enough of their life together to know that there was more there than met the eye. Plus the fact that it would be out of pure spite since I’m the one who’s been working at breaking down her defenses.
She hasn’t given me any encouragement to be fair, but neither has she rebuffed me any of the times I’d cornered her like this. The battle going on inside was fierce. On the one hand I wanted her to suffer, and on the other I hated what this was doing toher.
It was too late to turn back now, even though the anger didn’t burn quite as hot anymore. I still wanted revenge no doubt about it, but something fundamental had changed in the last few days that didn’t bear looking at too close.
I stepped back a little when I heard his footsteps returning, for the first time not wanting to leave her here alone with him. I consoled myself with the fact that tomorrow I’d have her. What happens after that, we’llsee.
I leaned over into her ear with a whisper. “I’m taking you tomorrow.” Before she could react, I ran a finger down her cheek and walked away just as he came back into theroom.
I took the tool he held out to me and bid them both goodnight before heading to the door with him on my ass talking about some inconsequential bullshit while I pondered whether or not I’d made a mistake warningher.
I was suddenly terrified that she’d tell him everything, or worse that tomorrow she wouldn’t be here. Me, the guy who’d spent the better part of my first six months in lockup talking myself out of outright killing her on sight, was now the one in the hot seat. Shit made no sense.
I didn’t hurry back next door to my computer as I usually do, but instead sat outside on the porch of the little house I’d rented, watching the stars and trying to get my thoughts in order. He didn’t come storming out guns drawn and I didn’t hear any screaming so it was safe to say she hadn’t told him. Now I’ll probably spend the rest of the night wondering what that meant like a little bitch.