Page 9 of Nikoli
Rhodes grabs my elbow and says, "Excuse us," and steers me through the crowd. I don't miss the anger on Carter's face or his daughters' disbelief. "Trust me," Rhodes says. "Don't get involved with Carter.” Glancing behind us before meeting my gaze, he adds, “The man is not someone you want to know. His daughter is manipulative.”
I frown. "Does this have something to do with your brothers?"
Rhodes snorts. "Even they won't touch the guy. He's pure evil. Rumor says he killed his brother. Nothing has been proven. I don't know why he would be here."
"I need a beer."
Rhodes snorts and gets us both a drink. "I wish we'd gone straight home."
"You used to like the away games."
"That was before I found Rosie."
I roll my eyes. "She found you, remember?"
He grins. "How could I forget."
I shut up and drink the beer, watching my friends and teammates mingle with the party girls. Some of the guys don't even look at the girls. I don't really. I'm still trying to process the fact that I'm not really interested in a quick fuck. I frown and rub my forehead. Willow has got me all tied up. The woman has certainly ruined my sex life.
"What's it like?" I ask Rhodes. Seeing the confusion on his face, I explain, "Having someone there when you get home? Just having someone to call your own, you know what I mean?" Embarrassed, I feel heat along my cheekbones.
Rhodes doesn't chuckle or say anything stupid. Instead, he says, "Knowing I'll see Rosie at home is a wonderful feeling. I miss her when we're on the road. I didn't even think it was possible to be happy with all the shit that's been thrown at me. Rosie too. Her brother is a waste of space. But Rosie," he smiles softly, "she's like a breath of fresh air." He pauses, searching my face. "If you're so distracted by Willow, I think it's time you asked her out, don't you?"
"She's twitchy. I think maybe she's had a bad experience with a guy in the past. I don't want to rush her." No way am I going to admit to the coffee date we have planned.
"Jesus, Nikoli, you've been mooning over this woman for ages. Be a man and ask her out for coffee. Go feed the ducks on Boston Common. It doesn't have to be dinner at some fancy restaurant." He gives me a disgusted look. "What's wrong with you?"
“She’s important, okay. I don't want to mess it up."
"There's nothing to fuck up if you don't even talk to her."
"I'm talking to her."
He laughs. "When your beautiful grandmother is there." He looks at me. "Speaking of which, how is Martha?"
"She's fine at the moment. Still ogling the team."
Rhodes throws back his head and laughs. "Your grandmother is one of a kind. I'll bring Rosie over and visit soon."
"She'd love that."
"Hopefully I'll meet Willow too. See why you're being a pussy by not asking her out."
"Shut the fuck up!"
His eyes become fixed on something or someone over my shoulder. I follow his gaze and find Carter's daughter walking toward us. Her eyes on me.
Rhodes snorts. "I think she's coming after you."
"Don't fucking leave me," I hiss like a teenage girl.
"Man up!"
"Fuck you!" My eyes flick to Rhodes as I continue, "She reminds me of that woman in the Transformers movie. You know the one who tried to kick Witwicky's ass in college in Revenge of the Fallen?" Rhodes gives me a confused look, while I plaster a fake smile on my face, and turn to the woman. "Hi, Sarah."
"Nikoli, is that Russian?" Sarah asks.