Page 6 of Nikoli
Grandmother laughs. "That makes me happy."
"Me too." I grin and it's only when Grams clears her throat that I realize I've been staring at Willow.
I roll my eyes and lean back in my chair, trying to balance the delicate teacup in my large hands.
"Mr. Hancock spent the night in Donna's room," Grams says in a matter-of-fact tone.
I'm caught with my cup halfway to my mouth. "How can he get it up without having a heart attack?" is the first thing I blurt out.
Willow's teacup rattles on the saucer as she leans forward and sets it down on the table. Her cheeks flush and her lips twitch. Grandma, on the other hand, looks at me in horror. I wince. "Sorry."
"Nikoli Southern, I know for a fact that your parents taught you manners."
Willow giggles, the sound of which warms my blood in all the wrong places, considering I'm in a room with my grandmother. I clear my throat. "You were thinking it," I mutter. This time, Grams laughs.
Willow giggles. "I think your grandmother has a crush on Mr. Hancock."
I wince. "He's old."
"Oh, Nikoli, how old do you think I am?"
"I know how old you are."
"I could still have sex if it was offered to me."
I shoot to my feet. "Grandma, that's enough." I feel my cheeks heat. "Grandmas don't have sex." I turn to Willow. "Back me up here."
She shakes her head, her face looking as red as mine feels. "I think it's time for me to go see if anyone else needs help while you visit with your grandmother."
"Chicken," I mutter under my breath.
She giggles. "Let me know when you're leaving."
I nod, my eyes lingering on the doorway she disappears through.
"When are you going to ask her out?"
"She's not like other girls Grandma. I have to take it slow."
"Any slower and I'll be dead."
I rub my chest and sit down. "You will be if you exercise in the same way as Donna.”
She snorts and opens her mouth to speak.
I jump in. "Isn't it a beautiful day?"
"The weather? Really?"
"It's better than the alternative."
"If you think talking about the weather is better than sex, you're doing it wrong."
"Jeez, did you put bourbon in your teacup?"
"Today is a good day, Nikoli. I enjoy teasing you. You look young and innocent when your cheeks turn pink." With a grin on her face, she continues, "You are a virile young man, I have no doubt that you are very, um, experienced with the girls."
"Can we please talk about something else," I groan. "This subject is off-limits to grandmothers." I watch her carefully and I'm relieved that she's having a good day. Some days she gets down and depressed.