Page 28 of Nikoli
Gabe explains. "Marcus will have lived here."
I step out of Nikoli's arms. "I'll go get the proof.” As I start to move, Nikoli moves with me. But the detectives have other ideas. I squeeze his hand. "I got this."
The detectives keep the others busy while I run through waterlogged grass to the bushes along the perimeter. I wince as the muddy ground sucks at the bottom of my boots. I look back at the house to check my position and find the right bush I used for cover. I search frantically through the mud until I find the hidden makeup bag with my phone inside.
"I'll take that."
I stiffen at the sound of Sarah's voice, but counter, "It's all over. Your dad's been arrested. You'll be next." Standing up, I grab a handful of mud.
"I wasn't there the night my father killed yours, Wilhelmina." She chuckles as I face her and the gun she has pointed my way. "Though he told me about it."
"You haven't done anything yet, Sarah." I move closer to the gap between the bushes.
But Sarah hisses, "Don't move. You have no idea what I have done." I see the determination in her eyes as she tightens her grip on the gun. "You've always been the perfect daughter. It was good to know that you've lost everything. I want you gone for good," she threatens, a cruel smile playing on her lips. My heart races as I realize there will be no talking her down.
"And what about my brother?" I yell, "Are you going to kill him too?"
"I haven't decided yet." My God, my cousin has lost her mind. She continues, "I thought the cops in Boston were going to arrest you for the murder of dear old Harold."
"What?" I stumble backward, tripping over the lawn edging.
"I left the paperweight in your room. It should have worked."
"It would have worked if I'd actually been at Evergreen when he was killed," I say quietly. My heart pounds behind my breastbone. I can't believe how crazy she is.
"I'll take that." Dodge suddenly appears and grabs the gun out of Sarah's hand. She screams and tries to lunge at him. I take aim and toss the mud into her face. Bullseye.
“Mud suits you,” Gabe smirks.
Rhodes grabs Sarah from behind, pinning her arms to the side of her body. "You're not going to get away with this," she snarls, struggling against his grip while spitting mud from her mouth.
I smirk and say, "Nice try, Sarah. But the game is over."
As he leaves the kitchen, Dodge holds a fresh ice pack to his face. Empty pizza boxes sit in the middle of the wooden kitchen table. I know I'm tired, and Willow must be, too. Her brother hides a yawn behind his hand as he leans back in the chair. Rhodes and Rosie are talking quietly across from where I sit with Willow.
We entered the house after Sarah was taken away. We gave our statements to the detectives and Gabe ordered pizza while Willow prepared rooms for Dodge, Rhodes and Rosie.
It's been a long night, but Willow and her brother have had it especially hard. I spoke briefly with Grams to let her know the outcome of tonight's adventure. I also told her what Sarah said about Harold. Cross is also aware of this.
"I think we should call it a night,” I say.
The others groan. Rhodes and Rosie are the first to move. "See you in the morning," Rhodes says, leading a tired Rosie out of the room.
"I want to have a memorial service for Dad," Willow says to her brother. "At his graveside. Just for us."
I swallow hard, wondering if she is including me. My heart calms a moment later when her hand rests on my thigh. She turns to meet my gaze. "You are included in any plans that involve me, Nikoli."
I brush my fingers across her jaw. "I'll stay as long as I can, but you know I'm committed to Boston."
Tears well up in her eyes as she nods. "I know." She smiles. "I have a job there. Who's going to keep Agatha Christie in line if I don't come back?"
"What are you talking about?" Gabe asks.
Willow wipes her eyes and rests her elbows on the table, facing her brother. "Nikoli's grandmother is a resident of Evergreen, a care facility in Boston. Martha Southern and her friends enjoy a good investigation. They enjoy diagnoses murder, and I'm sure Martha thinks of herself as Agatha Christie."