Page 9 of Crushes and Confections
“It would have been awesome,” I agreed. “But would you go to goat yoga with me and indulge every new hobby?”
He laughed at that. “Don’t act like you’d be the one hobby hopping, that would definitely be me.”
“No one would be able to keep up with our chaos,” I said before grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. He didn’t say anything else and when I risked a glance he was lost in thought. There was a hint of concern and worry there, but also determination that had me curious just what my bestie was trying to get into now. I needed a change in conversation before he could try and set me up with someone or something crazy. “So how was the date?”
We’d both been busy and hadn’t had the chance to discuss it quite yet. He had got in late and I was already in bed, and the past couple of days had been busy.
His face softened into a content smile that had my heart warming with happiness for him.
“Perfect. He is just as great as I expected,” he said before looking at me with one eyebrow raised. “But it would have been better if you’d gone with us.”
“Meh,” I said quickly as I pulled up a show for us. There were no words I could give him to really explain what my issue was. I didn’t want to ruin what we had. “Did you see there’s a new episode of Dirty Laundry?”
That had Riley’s eyes lighting up and I effectively hooked him into a whole new train of thought. We were quickly lost in a discussion about the contestants' secret lives but the entire time I couldn’t help but wonder how long we could truly dance around this unspoken issue between us.
Just as we were turning in for the night Riley stopped outside my room, leaning against the door frame with a small smile on his lips.
“For the record Claire Bear, I still want what we talked about all those years ago. You and me, in the same pack. I know you’re the omega in this dynamic but you better get with the program bestie. You know the lengths I’ll go to to get what I want. Prepare to pack it up,” he said before blowing me a kiss goodnight, the determination in his voice apparent.
His words left me frozen. They were everything we’d dreamed about for so long and the way he spoke left no room for negotiation. Not that I wanted any.
It was clear I was utterly fucked. Hopefully at least with this new development with Vance, it would be the fun kind.
There was something magical in the air.
Part of me believed it might have been Holiday Hollow itself, but the better part of me knew it was because I’d met them.
There wasn’t a single doubt in my head that they were my mates, just as much mine as my husband was.
I thought lightning had only struck once, but I had never been more wrong. One breath of their scents and I knew.
However, unlike my husband who had crossed Claire’s path once and went strictly into his shell, I hadn’t been able to stay away. He had seen her again once or twice at events, and every time after he’d come home riled up and insatiable.
It had taken me the better part of a year before I’d worked up the courage to venture outside the comfort of our home on the edge of the city. I was curious about the town and curious about the woman who my husband said smelled like the finest peaches and cream, and while I was cautious to let anyone into our bubble, I knew in my heart we couldn’t stay squirreled away forever.
I had missed the inspiration I derived from simple pleasures like people watching and this last month of frequenting Claire’s cafe had afforded that and more.
“You look happier than I’ve ever seen you, mon chéri,” my husband said as he stood at the kitchen island chopping vegetables. He was studying me as he worked, which would be unsettling with anyone else. My husband however, was too meticulous to accidentally cut himself.
Hanging up my jacket I came over and wrapped my arms around his waist, before resting my head on his shoulder.
Adrien turned his head towards me, pausing his preparations to place a welcomed kiss on my lips.
“I missed you today,” I said, squeezing him just a bit tighter and pressing my lips to his temple once again. “Something smells good.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s you and not the food, my love,” he said, cursing under his breath before he turned around in my arms, his hand coming to my jaw as he roughly pulled me down for a kiss.
He nipped and bit at my lips fiercely before tilting my jaw up and trailing them down my neck, his tongue licking a warm path as he inhaled harshly.
“I don’t know how you met her and have been able to stay away,” I said panting.
I’d been in a constant state of arousal for the last month, the two of us going at each other with a renewed fervor. I was no different now, bucking my hips into Adrien’s and seeking friction.
“Ironclad self control and you, mon chéri,” he murmured against my skin, his body shuddering slightly before grinding his hips into mine.