Page 7 of Crushes and Confections
She happened to be Autumn’s new mother-in-law and was the resident mom for everyone in Holiday Hollow and the queen of the welcome wagon.
Cheers rose up around the shop, patrons encouraging the ruckus as they yelled encouraging words.
I saw a familiar alpha sweeping his gaze back and forth across the crowd as he rose out of his seat and made his way towards the side of the display case and around the group of women where I stood. His brow was furrowed in worry and I gave him a reassuring look as he hovered at the fringe, as if waiting to step in should I need it. He had been coming in like clockwork the past few days since he’d asked Riley and I out, and I had to admit seeing him ready to stand up for me made me feel a way I hadn’t expected.
I motioned for my crew to get the ladies a round of tea and treats, knowing exactly how to handle the situation
“What scheme are you trying to rope me into this time?” I asked Janet as the group around her dispersed.
“Thank you, dear,” she said warmly, accepting the offered drink I handed her. “The Dates & Delicacies auction could very much use you. Have I mentioned that you’re my favorite omega lately?”
“I know for a fact you say that to Autumn as well, Janet,” I said, shaking my head with a laugh. “What do you need and when do you need it? You know I’ll always help if I can, but I have a high production push this next month.”
“A few baskets for the auction, a spread of your delicious creations for the event, and you of course.”
Sure it didn’t sound like that much, but the spread would have to be for most of the town. I wasn’t worried about the product cost for the donation part, the shop had been doing really well the past few years and it was things like this that had helped my shop make its name. No, it was really the amount and time commitment.
“When is the auction?” I asked.
Janet squared her shoulders. “It’s in a week and half, which I know isn’t a whole ton of time, which is why I’ve also asked The Confectionery and a few other local businesses to contribute as well so you won’t have to make quite so much.”
My brain screeched to a halt. “The Confectionery? You asked The Confectionery to participate and they agreed?”
Janet smiled proudly. “I’m pretty sure it was Sarah’s trumpet that sealed the deal there.”
I put my fingers to my temples and tried to rub out the headache I knew was coming.
“Is there something wrong with The Confectionary?” Vance asked worriedly, coming up and half blocking Janet from view with his body, before his hands covered mine. “May I?”
My breath caught for a moment at having him this close and I gave him a little nod before his thumbs stroked my temples.
The tension started to drain out of me and I felt my shoulders pull away from my ears as I gathered myself to answer his question. All I really wanted to do was lean into his touch further, but standing in the middle of my business probably wasn’t the best place for that. So much for holding myself back, I guess. Vance was making it harder and harder to keep my distance with each passing second.
“Nothing is wrong with The Confectionary. I’m sure Adrien is perfectly nice, I’ve just never got to know him and the one time we’ve met I got the impression I’d offended him somehow, which is probably just silly. I mean, my shop is named Claire’s Coffee and Confections, if anyone was going to be offended it should be me since my shop was here first. But I’m not, I just don’t take it well when people don’t like me,” I admitted under my breath. “And he didn’t seem the type to participate in something like this. The man was very serious.”
The little bubble Vance had made between the two of us apparently just made me comfortable enough to speak everything on my mind. Damn, he felt better than the cashmere throws I knitted and snuggled with every night.
“I know for a fact you didn’t offend him, Cl—“
“And just who do we have here?” Janet asked, bursting our little bubble and bringing me back to the present. “Do my eyes deceive me or do we have a new resident here in Holiday Hollow?”
The crew of ladies she’d come in with perked up, and I swear to the sweet gods Sarah went to raise her damn trumpet to her mouth.
“He’s with me ladies, back down,” I called out, holding up my hands.
“I like the sound of that,” Vance said smoothly, a small rumble coming from his chest that sent shivers down my spine and a flush to my cheeks.
“I meant, Riley and I have agreed to give Vance a personal welcoming tour to the Hollow,” I corrected.
“I hope that’s alright ma’am,” Vance said, nodding his head respectfully toward Janet. “I haven’t had the best experience before with small towns or new places so they took me under their wings.”
A fire lit in Janet’s eyes, and I knew she had just adopted a new townie to look over. “I’m very sorry you’ve had that experience. I can assure you it will not be the same here. We take care of our own in Holiday Hollow, and if Riley and Claire are already showing you the ropes, you’re as good as family. You just give me a ring if you need something okay? I understand some of our ways take some time to get used to, but if anyone gives you any problems just send them my way, dear.” There was a spark in her eyes that drove home that mother hen vibe she was giving off and Vance relaxed a bit.
“Thank you,” Vance said sincerely.
Janet rustled up her crew and they left the shop without any further adieu, most likely on their way to ensure their next contributor to the auction.
“Well I guess you survived your first welcome wagon experience,” I said with a laugh.