Page 63 of Crushes and Confections
He dove into the middle of them, taking a kiss from each before they wrapped their arms around him. It made my heart so damn full.
I loved them, I loved them all so fiercely, and while I didn’t want to rush Claire or Riley, I knew it was only a matter of time before I bonded them both.
“Now, isn’t that something shiny and gorgeous,” Riley said, catching Vance’s hand in his. “Look at this, Claire.”
She looked at the ring, her eyes brightening before she rushed over to me and took my hand as well.
“I love these on you two,” she gushed, before leaning up to kiss me. “I missed you today, alpha.”
“Tu manques,” I told her. “You were missing from me for far too long today.”
I kissed my omega again, loving as her soft curves melted into me and her peaches and cream scent wrapped around me.
“Adrien was actually just about to share some news about the shop today before you both came home,” Vance said once we broke apart. “I’m too curious to wait any longer.”
He passed Claire her glass and poured one for me as we gathered around the kitchen island.
“Luc was right about my parents,” I began. “Blaire was in my shop today and they appeared out of nowhere.”
“How did they find us?”
“No idea, but after Blaire told them to leave and I all but demanded it, they left,” I said, taking a long drink of the pinot noir. “Your mother is…fierce.”
“She’s all laid back and easy going until someone messes with what’s hers,” Claire said. “Which you undoubtedly are now. Perks of courting me.”
“She said as much,” I said with a nod. Blaire had also said she wanted to learn more about making chocolate, but I would see if that came to fruition before I mentioned the potential new hobby.
“And it was probably only minutes after she left that she called my mom and mobilized the troops,” Riley said. “Don’t worry, alpha. Your parents won’t know what hit them. They’re about to experience the real value of Holiday Hollow hospitality.”
“Why do I get the feeling that we should be scared?” Vance asked.
“Oh you shouldn’t,” Claire clarified, “but they definitely should.”
“What’s that sound?” We all froze as the echo of music filtered inside. It was quiet at first but growing by the second.
“Trumpets?” Riley questioned as he went to the front window and stealthily peeked through the curtains. “Oh my god. Are those your parents?”
“What?” Adrien gasped and rushed over to join him. Vance took my hand and pulled me with him, so we could all see. The curtains made it impossible so I reached up and opened them wide. This was our home, no need to hide. “Yes.”
Adrien’s confirmation wasn’t needed. He looked a lot like his father, from the strong cheekbones and serious expression to the shock of dark hair, though his dad was graying now.
Both were dressed to impress. A full suit on his father despite supposedly traveling here, and his mom wore a satin shirt with a pencil skirt and a blazer.
They stuck out in this town.
But they weren’t able to approach the house, a literal wall of residents standing between them and us. Trumpets sounded off from a few of the older residents and the local marching band had abandoned practice for this apparently.
Every time the couple would speak, an instrument would sound off. It was almost impressive the shades of red their faces reached before they walked away. The crowd herding them back to the center of town.
“This is crazy,” Vance mused before a full belly laugh echoed out.
“Blaire wasn’t joking,” Adrien said in shock. “She told me the town had my back. I just never expected… this.”
“They’re just getting started. Tell me I can treat you all to dinner tonight in town so we can flaunt those rings and watch the show?” Riley begged.