Page 72 of Angel of Mercy
Elena steps in front of me. “Aria, please, just hear him out. He's trying to make amends."
I hesitate, my gaze flickering between the two of them. I’m so mad and hurt that I can’t see straight.
Niko takes a deep breath. “You won’t find this a fitting excuse, but when I became your guardian, I had no clue what to do. The business, I understood. Revenge, I understood. But raising a kid? And after the way Lorenzo and Mom were killed… I had to protect you from that. Sending you to school in Europe was the way to do it.”
“I know. You got me out of your hair, out of your life, and forgot about me.”
He looks at Elena like he needs help. She nods, urging him on.
“That’s not true… I just… I didn’t know how to be what you needed.”
“A brother? We lost Dad, and then Lorenzo and Mom. And then I lost you.”
Niko’s breath hitches. Elena’s eyes are filled with grief. I hate seeing it. It makes me think they didn’t realize what Niko’s actions did to me.
“And now you’ve taken Luca. God. If you don’t think his men won’t be coming here?—”
“What are you talking about?” Niko asks.
“Luca. Remember, the man I love who loves me but that you had to take away because heaven forbid Aria Leone has love in her life.”
“I didn’t take Luca.”
For a moment, the world stops as I try to understand what he’s saying. “Then where is he? Why won’t he answer the phone?”
“I don’t know. We talked. Came to an impasse. And he left. He said he was going to take you back to Italy whether I blessed your relationship or not.”
I stumble back, wondering what this can mean.
“But Aria…”
I glance up at him.
“I didn’t realize how you felt… how you experienced all this.”
My eyes narrow on him as anger fills me again. “How could you? You never ask me. You don’t care how I feel. You just want me to be quiet and stay out of the way.”
He closes his eyes for a moment. “That’s not accurate. But I can see how you’d think that. And you’re right. I don’t take into consideration what you want.”
“Maybe you didn’t do anything, but did one of your men? Why would Luca just disappear?”
“None of my men did anything.” He steps forward, putting his hand on my shoulder. I want to knock it off, but he’d see it as being immature. “I know I failed you. I see it better now that I ever have, and trust me, Aria, I’ve carried guilt about you for a long time. I want to do right by you. You’re here now. We’re a family again. You, me, Elena, and the kids. I want to keep that.”
I gape at him. “That’s why you want to keep me away from Luca?”
He shrugs. “I lost everyone too. Following their deaths, I burned this Family down, taking over the Leone Family business. That puts you in danger. I couldn’t lose you too.”
His words don’t make sense to me.
“You sent me away.”
“But you weren’t lost. I always knew what you were up to. You always seemed happy. And life here… God, until six months ago, it was a fucking bloodbath. It’s not that I didn’t want you here, it’s just that I didn’t know how else to protect you.” The sincerity in his voice is softening my anger even though I don’t want it to.
“Luca is a good man.”
He nods. “Maybe, but he wants to take you from me.”
I shake my head. “That’s not true. I’m here, aren’t I? He didn’t keep me from my family. Luca understands family better than you.”