Page 41 of Angel of Mercy
“My brother is Il Soldato della Morte. You don’t want to make an enemy of him, Don…?” I figure he has to be a Don.
“Sabini, and your brother don't scare me.”
Then you’re an idiot.
He holds up his phone. “You’re to contact him. Let him know you’re okay. Tell him to do business with me. If you say anything that turns him against me, I’ll kill you.”
I swallow and nod.
“Give me his number.”
I rattle off Niko’s number and can’t decide whether I want him to answer or not. He may not pick up the phone since he won’t know the number.
“Who is this?” Niko’s voice comes through the phone.
“Don Leone, I’m Don Sabini. I have good news for you. I’ve saved your sister from Don Conte.”
There is a pause, and I know my brother is assessing, thinking, planning. He’s angry at Luca, but Niko also knows Luca.
“Let me speak to her.”
Don Sabini holds out the phone to me as he mouths, “Be careful.”
My mind is a whirl trying to come up with a coded way to let him know the situation. Niko is expecting me to be on a plane heading to New York. He must be suspicious about why I’ve missed it.
“I’m sorry I missed the flight.”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. This place is like when we were kids. Remember how Lorenzo used to play Don?” I bring up a childhood game my brother Lorenzo and Niko would play with me. It’s been awhile since Niko and I have talked about our brother, who died along with our mother at the hands of rival Families.
Sabini’s eyes narrow at me.
“Treated me like a princess,” I finish. Of course, that isn’t how it was. I’d be put in a closet, and Lorenzo and Niko would pretend to be looking for me to save me from an enemy Family. In hindsight, it’s an odd game for children, but considering the violence in our lives, it makes perfect sense.
“Where are you?” He must know that Sabini is listening as he doesn’t give any indication that he understands my message.
“Don Sabini has me.”
He takes the phone. “She’s in good care.”
“I appreciate your saving my sister. I’m on my way to Italy as we speak. Where can I pick her up?”
“I’ll give you those details when you arrive. I ask too for a meeting. I’ve heard much about you, Don Leone. I think we could mutually help each other.”
“Is that so?”
“We have a common enemy. Luca Conte.”
“Don Sabini, I’m happy to discuss business with you once my sister is safely headed back to New York.”
“I’m sure you can understand my position. I’d prefer to talk with you first.”
“I’m sure you’re not suggesting that you’re holding my sister hostage to coerce me into meeting with you?”
Sabini’s lip sneers up. “Of course not. When you land, I’ll let you know where we can meet. Your sister will be there. You’ll see that she’s safe.”