Page 24 of Angel of Mercy
"You knew about me before I arrived,” I say, wondering how good of friends she is with Luca.
Her eyes sparkle. "As wives, we learn a great deal from pillow talk. Gino spent a lot of time talking about the American woman Luca was pining over."
Pining? My smile at hearing this is probably a little goofy, but I don't care. Thinking of Luca pining over me fills me with joy.
"So, of course, all were curious about you. And then I heard you arrived, and so I came over first thing. And now here we are, becoming fast friends."
Bianca is a woman who clearly enjoys the finer things in life and has a few shallow traits, but she is friendly and right now, my only friend in Italy.
She checks her watch and then quickly grabs her purse. "We must get going.” She pays the bill, and her stiletto heels click on the tiles as we walk out of the café. As we walk to her car, a group of young men starts whistling and talking to us. I suppose it's the Italian equivalent of catcalls.
Bianca smiles coyly. "It is nice when men appreciate a beautiful woman, don't you think?"
I have to admit, it doesn't feel quite as creepy from these men as it does from the men I experience in New York. As we reach her car, I open the door to get in, noticing a man across the street whose phone appears to be pointed in our direction. I turn to look behind me to see what he might be trying to take a picture of, but it's just a building.
As I get in the car, I ask, "Is it normal for them to take pictures?"
"Once they know who you are, no one would dare to do it. Luca is one of the most feared men in the country."
I have a flash of memory of the man on his knees begging Luca for his life.
She puts the car in gear, and we zoom off like we’re on the interstate, not a narrow, crowded city road. My fingers clutch my seat, and I send a silent prayer up that we don't end up crumpled in a heap.
The guards allow us to enter Luca’s property, and Bianca parks at the front door. She leans over, giving me a kiss on each cheek. "We'll see each other soon."
"Thank you, Bianca. I had a lot of fun today."
She beams at me, and I suspect she wants me to tell Luca about her good deeds.
I exit the car and enter the house, stopping short when I see Luca standing at the base of the stairs as if he's waiting for me. I study him, trying to decipher what he might be thinking. Is he upset that I went out?
His body looks relaxed, but his brows narrow as he stares at me. "Did you have a good time with Bianca?"
I nod, moving toward him, but not in any hurry as I'm still trying to figure out his feelings. "She's very nice."
He gives a single nod. "I'm glad you think so. She will be a good friend to you. She will help you fit into our world here."
His gaze is still intense, which unsettles me. His head tilts to the side. "Did you have your hair done?"
Nervously, I run my fingers through the ends of my hair. "Not really. Just a little styling."
He steps in front of me, and his fingers run up the back of my neck, threading through my hair. Then he tugs me in, and his lips cover mine in a fierce, bruising kiss that heats my blood to infernal levels.
When he pulls away, I say, "Well, hello to you too."
His lips twitch up slightly. "You should see Bianca again tomorrow and tell her to take you out to buy a suitable wedding dress."
It takes a moment for my brain to register his words. When it does, my jaw drops. "What?"
"A wedding dress. I have already disrespected Niko by stealing you away and taking you to my bed. I would much prefer not to have him as an enemy, if I can help it. So, we must marry. I'm making arrangements for us to have a wedding at the church that my parents married in."
I'm in shock. I’m elated, wondering why I was so worried about his intentions toward me earlier in the day. At the same time, something feels off. I realize that he is not asking me. He is telling me.
His knuckles brush along my cheek, and the sizzle it sends through my skin distracts me. "Unless you changed your mind about me, Mio Angelo."
My head moves from side to side indicating that no, I haven't changed my mind.
His expression is soft, even caring. "Are you still sore from yesterday?"