Page 85 of Landen
The lovely chapel wasperfect, nestled in the rolling hills of the small town of Cotswold.It was a lovely morning, with a few puffy white clouds in the sky.The chapel was small and intimate, just right for the beginning oftheir new lives. The vows were repeated, and before long, they werehusband and wife.
“I hope youwill not object to a reception at the manor.” Lady MargaretChapman had a pleased smile, which said a lot.
“I already toldyou-” Landen began when Tessa stopped him.
“It’sfine.” Taking his hand, she squeezed his fingers. “Wecheated her out of the ceremony she wanted to throw, so let’sgive her this.”
“Thank you, mydear. Why don’t you two return to your flat and rest a while wearrange this.” Lady Chapman clapped her hands together. “Youare going to love it.”
Landen waited untilthe car whisked them to Kensington Gardens, where they would takewedding photos, to express his disapproval.
“You don’tknow what you just did.”
“I gave yourmother a present. You are her only son and heir, and I know theChapman’s standing in society. We were married in a smallchapel in a small town compared to the huge Catholic church and thelavish ceremony that would have taken place there. I also want her tolike me a little.”
Taking her hand inhis, he gazed into her eyes. She had stood before their families andpledged her life and love for him until death, and it had a profoundeffect on him. She was his. She had left her home and everything thatwas familiar and was in a strange land. She had done this for him,and he would always be grateful for it.
He had promised thatthey would fly over to the States whenever she felt lonely orhomesick, and her siblings were welcome any time. He had put in thepaperwork to get her to stay in the country, and very soon, becauseof who he was, it would be approved.
In the meantime, shewas never leaving his side.
“It matters tome.” She added as he continued to stare at her in silence.
“I know, love.”Pulling her on his lap, he cradled her face. “Have I told youwhat a beautiful bride you are?”
“Have Itold you how sexy you look in a tux?” She whispered. “Kindalike James Bond, especially with your gorgeous British accent.”
“James Bond,huh?”
“Hmm.”Bending her head, she kissed him in a way that had the passionsurging into his loins.
“If you aretired, just say the word, and we will be out of here,” hewhispered in her ear as he came to stand beside her. Tessa regrettedgiving her mother-in-law carte blanche over the whole reception deal.It was as if the woman was making up for the lack of a societywedding and had invited everyone in her social calendar.
She had been studied,questioned, looked over, examined, and one plump matron with a prettyroses and cream complexion wanted to know if she was from Africa. Shehad not bothered to respond.
The Great Hall wasfilled with people milling around and eating the sumptuous mealprepared by some fancy French caterer. The frothy pink and white cakewas the only thing she could stomach, and now her chest felt like shewas about to explode. She was also exhausted.
“I am tired.”She admitted.
“Then we areleaving.”
“I don’tgive a damn what they say.” he hissed. “I told her not toenter a bloody circus, and she did exactly that. We are leaving.”
“Thank you.”
With a curt nod, hewalked away, and she watched him wade through the crowd to get to hismother, who was holding court with several friends.
Putting down theglass of champagne she had been nursing for a few minutes, she waitedfor him to return for her.
“We are back inScotland?”
“I thought thiswas where we could get some peace and quiet.” He knew she waswilting, and even though she had slept on the flight over, she stilllooked a little worn. He was upset that his mother had disobeyed hisrequest to keep this thing at a manageable level, even though he hadtold her so in no uncertain terms.