Page 77 of Landen
He pushed into her togive her the answer.
“Oh, Landen.”She whispered.
“You make mehot.” his hand drifted up to cup her breast, and she moanedwhen he started to tease her nipple.
“What aboutyour mother?”
“What?”He jerked his head up to stare at her with a frown. “Sweetheart,if you were planning to douse my passion, you did a bloody good jobof it.”
She smiled at him. “Iknow you called.”
“I called mysister to tell her where we are and to inquire about my father.”
“And I knowhe is out of the coma.”
His jaw tightened.“He is.”
“I also knowshe called you darling. Are you going to call her back?”
“The topic isnot up for discussion. So, either you are going to allow me to makelove to you again, or we go to sleep. Those are the only twooptions.”
“The firstone.” She acquiesced with a sigh. “We will have to talkabout it sometime.”
“Just nottonight. We just finished making up with each other; I would hate tothink you are trying to undo what was done.”
“I am not.”
“Good.”he pushed into her and felt her stomach quivering. Tucking his handbeneath her chin, he seized her lips as he drove into her.
Landen eased himselfout of her embrace and climbed off the bed to ensure he did not wakeher. He had worn her out; he thought guiltily as he stood therestaring down at her sleeping form.
After the second boutof lovemaking, they had fallen asleep with him still buried deepinside her, and in the early hours of the morning, he had woken herup by pushing his rigid shaft deep inside her. She had startedmoving, bringing them to such a fever-pitch passion, one he had beenunable to control or stop.
Now, she wassleeping. With a sigh, he pulled the covers over her and went abouttaking a shower and getting dressed. He took one last look at herleaving the room before closing the door behind him. He had somephone calls to make.
He had turned off hisphone last night and realized he had missed some calls when he turnedit back on. His father was at home with a full-time nurse who wouldmonitor his condition.
But Landen was notready to see him yet. He was not prepared to see any member of hisfamily at all. The housekeeper had already left, and the scent ofsausages, fried mushrooms, and beans permeated the air.
He was happy to knowthat the woman was being discreet. She would come early in themornings to prepare the meal and then go on about her business.
A glance at his watchshowed that it was almost half of ten. He would grab some breakfastand then return the calls. He had carried his laptop with him andwould be doing some meetings via video links.
He had just poured acup of tea when he heard the doorbell ring. Putting the cup down, hehurried to get the door so it would not disturb Tessa. A frowntouched his brow when he pulled the heavy oak door open and saw hismother standing there.
“What anunpleasant surprise.” Stepping out, he closed the door behindhim, making it clear she was not welcome inside. “What are youdoing here?”
“You were notanswering my calls.”
“Then thatshould have given you the hint that I did not want to talk to you. Isit something to do with father?”
“No. It’schilly-”