Page 58 of Landen
“The money doesnot matter to me.”
“I know itdoesn’t. One of the many reasons I love you so damn much.”
“Thanks.”She pressed her lips together. “I would not want to be the oneto bring dissension-”
“Dissension hasbeen in my family for years. Don’t worry about it. God, I missyou.”
“I miss youtoo.” She felt the tears at the back of her eyes and tried tostop it from sounding in her voice. She did not want to burden himany more than he already was. She had seen the comments on theinternet, and Ronald had been making some comments that were gettingon her last nerve.
“Sweetheart,what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.”She sniffed.
“Don’tlie to me, please.”
“I miss you sodamn much, and I want to feel your arms around me.”
“I feel thesame way.”
“And I have thefeeling that this is going to end badly. I cannot-”
“Stop it.”He rasped sharply. “Don’t do this to me, not now. I amgoing through hell right now, and I want to know that you are on myside. Are you on my side, Tessa?”
“You know Iam.” She closed her eyes and felt the tears trickling down hercheeks. “I can do this. We can do this.”
“That’smy girl. Are you my girl, darling?”
“You know Iam.”
“I am countingon it. Are you eating and taking care of yourself?”
She laughed, usingthe back of her hand to wipe the tears. “I am trying to.”
“How soon willyou know if you are carrying my babe?”
“How soon?”
“Not foranother week or so. Are you certain that this is something we shouldbe thinking about? At a time like this?”
“I don’tcare,” he said stubbornly. “I want a family with you, andit does not matter about the rest. Am I clear?”
“You are,”she whispered.
“Oh. You arestill here.” Ronald poked his head inside the office andstepped inside. “What are you still doing here? It’safter nine.”
“I had someinventories to take care of.” She had thought everyone had leftfor the night and certainly did not relish company, not his anyway.The conversation with Landen had stirred her up instead of comfortingher. His mother knew and was having a fit.
“Is theresomething you need?”
“Well, sinceyou asked-” He plunked down on a chair before the desk, blueeyes studying her face. “You have lost weight, and I don’tneed to tell you that is not a good idea.”
“Is theresomething else I can help you with? Something that does not concernmy appearance?” She asked him mildly.
“I am worriedabout you.”