Page 56 of Landen

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Page 56 of Landen

His mother’sshoulders stiffened in affront. “This is my home, and I am freeto invite whomever I please.” She took a delicate sip of hersherry. “Besides, now that you are back where you belong, weshould start discussing wedding plans.”

“Whose?”He asked coldly.

She blinked at histone. “Yours, of course. Sara is a wonderful young woman andwill make a suitable wife.”

Tossing back thedrink, he strode to slam the glass on a priceless cherry wood table.“If you bring up that topic at dinner, you will be veryembarrassed. I have no intention of marrying that woman.”

“Your father-”

“Don’t!”He said sharply. “Don’t tell me that is what Father wantsfor me. And don’t remind me of my duties as your son. I willnot bind myself to a woman I am not in love with.”

“Why isthat?” His mother’s voice was cold and forbidding.“Because you met some woman at a gallery in America?” Shewatched as his eyes flared in surprise. “You think we wouldallow you to wander off for a month and not keep tabs on you?”

Landen turnedwhite with fury, and it was all he could do not to lash out at her.The stifling reality of his life was glaring him in the face, and hecould not stand it.

“Allow me?”His voice had gone dangerously soft. “Allow me?” herepeated, hands clenched into fists. “You certainly did not‘allow’ me, madam, and I am bloody free to go where Iplease. As for that woman in that particular gallery, I am in lovewith her, and she is the one I will marry.”

“How dare you!”His mother’s face had turned a startling shade of red, andElizabeth was jumping to her feet, and Harry was doing the same. “Youwould shame the family by consorting with that - that woman? I willnot allow that; do you hear me? You will never see her again.”

“Mother,please,” Elizabeth whispered, rushing over to pour her a glassof water and bringing it to her.

“What are yougoing to do?” Landen asked her caustically. “Lock me awayin my apartment? Take away my travel documents? Tessa might becarrying my child right now, and I want that to happen. Nothing youcan do or say will stop me from being with her. Is that clear?”

They glared at eachother briefly, the tension thick inside the gold and white sittingroom.

“Get out.”She told him hoarsely. “Get out of my house.”

“Gladly.”With a curt nod, he turned on his heels and walked out, slamming thedoors shut behind him.


“Put theglass down and stop waving it in front of my face.” She glaredat her hapless daughter. “Did you know about this?”

“I-”Elizabeth put down the glass and only stopped herself from wringingher hands. “He told me not to say anything. I am sorry.”She whispered. She almost trembled in relief when the maid announcedthat dinner was served.


He went to thehospital. He had been about to go to his flat when he decided to goand check in on his father.

“There hasbeen no change, I am afraid.” Dr. Hamilton, the one in chargeof his father’s treatment, told him gravely. “His vitalsigns are still stable, which is a comfort.”

He nodded his thanksand went into the private room. Standing at the doorway, he stared atthe man who had wielded so much power over him all his life. Lyingthere propped up on pillows with tubes attached to various parts ofhim made him look decidedly older and very vulnerable.

Pulling up a chair,Landen stared at the man. Deep grooves ran from his nostrils to hismouth, and his sandy hair was heavily gray.

“They claimthat even though you are unconscious, you can still hear what peoplesay. We are encouraged to talk to you.

Here is what I haveto say, Father. For years, you dominated my life. You decided whatschools I should attend, the sort of friends I should keep when weate our meals, and what we should study. You dictated the times andhours we go to bed and what vacations we should take.”

He took a breath. “Iam thirty bloody years old, and I am declaring independence. You andMother no longer get to dictate my life. It’s over. I amindependently wealthy; if that were not the case, I would still bemaking this decision. I met someone.”

His lips curved intoa smile. “She is beautiful, amazing, and the most exquisitecreature I have ever met. She makes me laugh, and being with hermakes me want to live my life to the fullest. I am never giving herup.

What you do does notmatter; I intend to ask her to be my wife. You will not accept herbecause, in your eyes, she is not suitable. Well, to bloody hell withthat. I love her more than life; without her, I have no life.”



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