Page 41 of Landen
“Happy youcame?”
She nodded, “Areyou going to kiss me again?”
He chuckled.“Thinking about it.”
“You aredistracting me.” She pointed out primly.
“I think youare the distracting one here.” He kissed her forehead andallowed her to watch the rest of the show.
She felt likeCinderella on her way to the ball. And Landen was the perfect prince.He had made reservations for them at Kelly Takahashi’srestaurant, something that was almost impossible to do, but shesupposed that with his name, doors would open for him.
They were shown to aprivate booth in the corner of the large, spacious restaurant andhanded embossed menus without prices.
“This is inFrench.” She pointed out with a frown that had him grinning. “Iam more fluent in Spanish.”
Opening his book, hescanned the list and decided on the duck in orange sauce.
“Why on earthwould it be in French?”
“There is anEnglish section. Kelly and her husband are trying out aninternational theme. There is also a section for Italian, Japanese,Chinese, and German. People fly in from all over the world to conductbusiness, and this is where they conduct their various negotiations.”
“You speakFrench.”
“And Italian aswell as Spanish. I also know a little Japanese and German.” Heflashed her a wry smile as he scanned the menu again. “How doyou feel about duck?”
“I love towatch them wading in the pond.”
“How abouthaving them as a meal? I guarantee you are going to love it.”
She inclined herhead. “I bow to your superior expertise.”
“I won’tdisappoint you,” he promised.
And he was right. Themeal was delicious, and the service was so seamless that as soon asthey finished a course, their plates were whisked away to be replacedby the next course, the preceding one, which was more exquisitelydelicious than the first.
She also enjoyedwatching and hearing him place the order; his accent was flawless. Hewas clearly in command, and even though he was seemingly relaxed, anaura of leashed power fired her senses.
She had seen him atthe theater and now in this very fancy restaurant, and it only provedthat they were miles apart, something she did not want to thinkabout.
Forcing a smile, shelistened as he regaled her with amusing tales about some famouspatrons. “A French model?”
He nodded. “Gaybut determined to keep up the pretense that he is a ladies’man.”
“I recognizehim. And the woman he is with-”
“MariaAllermaine. She is the current cover of Vogue.”
“It’srumored that they are a couple.”
“They have anarrangement.”
Her eyebrows lifted.“How would you know that?”
“Maria happensto be a friend of mine,” he told her mildly, picking up hiswine glass.
“Friend orsomething else?”