Page 39 of Landen
“I would likeyou to wear them tonight.”
Sitting on the edgeof the bed, she fingered the gossamer ice blue gown and was privyenough to fashion to realize that it cost a fortune. And he did notstop there. Matching shoes were on the floor, and an oblong boxcontained a stunning diamond necklace and matching earrings.
“You shouldhave asked me first.”
“And you wouldhave said no. Am I not allowed to purchase things for my girl?”
Her heart leapedinside her chest at the tone of his voice and his words. “Yourgirl?”
“Are you not?”Kneeling before her, he took her hands, forcing her to meet his eyes.“I want us to have fun, to enjoy our time together. And I wouldlike you to do that for me.”
She did not bother toremind him that their time together was running out because she couldnot bear to think of it herself.
She had beenmiserable at the gallery today because he had not bothered to attend.He had not been there for the day, and she missed him so much. Whatwas going to happen when he was gone from her life?
Pushing the achingthoughts aside, she stared at him. Tugging a hand loose, she brushedthe lock of hair that had fallen over his forehead, her touch gentle.
“All right,”she said quietly.
“If I had knownit would be this easy, I would have gone with the rubies and emeraldsas well.” He teased her.
“Don’tyou dare!” She laughed, the tension that surrounded her heartdissipating. She was here with him now, and it did not matter thatthey were living in a dream. She would continue living that dreamuntil it was time for him to leave.
“What time isthe show?”
“Eight sharp.”He glanced at the expensive watch on his wrist. “Which gives usan hour. I waited to shower so we could do it together.”
She gave him a firmlook. “No funny business.”
“Of coursenot.” His look of sham innocence had her laughing again as hedrew her to her feet.
She had stopped atthe salon to get her hair shampooed and conditioned in anticipationof the date. Putting the thick dark brown strands on her head, shesecured it with pins to keep it from getting wet.
Stepping into thecavernous shower, she reached for the sponge when he first met her.“Let me.” He whispered huskily. Touching the button thatdispensed the citrusy gel, he turned her around and started to runthe sponge, starting with her neck and then down her breasts.
His touch was sogentle and light that she could not bear it. They had showeredtogether before, and it always turned into something else. She warnedhim she would not allow it to happen again because he had made herlate.
Turning off the jetspray, he concentrated on rubbing the sponge over her breasts andnipples with a thoroughness that sent tingles all over her body.Closing her eyes briefly, she lifted her hands to rest on hisshoulders as he made his way down to her flat stomach and spent aninordinate amount of time circling her navel.
When he drifted tothe curls between her thighs, she was already trembling, the tremorsracking her body. “Open your thighs, love.” He whispered.
As soon as she did,he dipped the sponge in and started stroking the swollen flesh thatwas already highly sensitive. Leaning her head forward, she restedher forehead on his chest, her breath coming rapidly between herlips.
Her fingers tightenedin his flesh as he eased the sponge into her slowly, the caressbecoming unbearable.
“I can’t.”She whispered.
“Let me put youout of your misery,” he whispered. Turning the water on, hedropped to his knees and kissed her. Her body arched feverishly, herbody splintering with the sensations racing through her entire being.His tongue plunged deep into her and sent her flying.
A low scream escapedher as the climax slammed through her with a force that had hersagging against the wall. She would have fallen if his hands had notgripped her around the waist to hold her in place.
Rising slowly, helifted her and wrapped her legs around his trim waist, green eyesfeverish with passion. Bracing her against the tiles, he drove intoher, his head bending as he took her lips in a kiss that sent freshfire trembling throughout her body.