Page 37 of Landen

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Page 37 of Landen

After a restlessnight, he was no closer to a solution the following day. He was up infront of her and sitting in the kitchen, nursing a cup of tea. He hadtold her he was falling in love with her, which was true. But hehadn’t said that his parents would never accept her.

He smiled grimly intothe cup of tea.

They constantly saidhow accepting they were of ‘people of color.’ They weregenerous to their charities. His mother was the queen of lost causes,referring to the various children’s homes and homelessshelters.

His father had beenforced to accept that the club he had been a member of forgenerations and his ancestors before him had become lax in itsmembership. No longer was the membership open to only men who were‘pure’ in their bloodlines, but anyone wealthy enough toafford the horrendously expensive dues could become a member.

Not to mention thatmost of the members were marrying women of color. He had scathinglyremarked that it was a disgrace how far down the club had fallen fromits usual stellar standard.

He was forced toaccept the new rules and standards, but Landen was sure he wouldnever accept Tessa. She was a woman of color and an American, and herbloodline was not pure. Pushing aside the tea, he lunged to wanderover to the window.

He would have toleave and go home in two weeks, or he would not hear the end. Thethought of leaving her was making him insane. Dragging restlessfingers through his hair, he stared out the window at the pink-tintedsky heralding the new day's arrival. He had no appetite and wasrestless with the image of impending doom.

He could make her hismistress and lavishly provide for her. He had enough resources to buyher several galleries so she did not have to work for anyone. Hewould set up an account for her and put her in this apartment or onelike it.

He would work on itso that he could visit her every weekend. The company has businessdealings in this country and wants to expand into different markets.

And what? The voicetaunted him. Marry Sara and lead a respectable life. Would yourparents approve of it? Even now, Tessa might be carrying your babyinside her womb. The thought of it made his knees tremble.

Returning to thecounter, he sat heavily, a moody expression on his face. He couldnever hurt her like that, could never demean her by making her hismistress, and - a smile touched his lips. Knowing her as he wasstarting to, she would tell him where to shove his offer.

Or he could go tothem and tell them outright that he had met someone and was in lovewith her. They could shun him, which was the only thing they coulddo. They did not have the power to disinherit him.

As soon as he reachedthirty, the company's controlling interest had been signed over tohim. It was a family generation for centuries. The eldest son, or, inhis case, the only son, gets to inherit the bulk of the company.Aside from that, he had inherited a fortune from his grandparents onboth sides.

He could set up shophere. His parents could not cut him off financially, but they hadenough influence in the UK to make things decidedly uncomfortable forTessa. They would tolerate him because he was their son, but theywould never accept her. Besides, he could never see himself livinghere.

London was his home.The wild, untamed beauty, the gently rolling hills, even the constantrain and the cold that could seep into one’s skin and chill theblood. He had been worldwide, and nowhere had ever felt like home.Living elsewhere was out of the question.

Tipping his headback, he closed his eyes and deeply breathed. His thoughts wererunning around in circles. And he was nowhere nearer to a solutionthan when he first started.

He wanted drugs; hardliquor was not going to cut it. When he was fifteen, he had rebelledagainst the rigid upbringing and had sneaked out of his dorm roomwith several other fellows and found someone selling dope on thestreet corner.

In hindsight, it hadbeen a bloody foolish thing to do. They could have been kidnapped andheld for ransom, or the drugs could have been laced. He had done itthat first time and decided it was not for him.

Besides, it had madehim feel like crap, as if he was floating out of his damned body. Itwas a sensation he never wanted to experience again!

A sound just insidethe doorway had his head jerking up. She was standing inside thedoorway wearing nothing but the robe, her dark brown eyes stillsleepy.

“What are youdoing up?”

“I could askyou the same thing.” She wandered into the room and would havegone to the opposite side of the counter if he had not snagged herwrist and lifted her onto his lap.

“What are youdoing?”

“Justthinking.” He nuzzled the side of her neck, breathing in hersubtle scent. “Do you have to go in today?”

“I have to.”Her body arched as he released the thin string of her robe and cuppedher breasts.

“I was thinkingof buying you a gallery,” he murmured, feathering his thumbsand forefingers over the hard nipples.


“I wasthinking-”

“I heardyou the first time.” Her mind was getting clouded by hissensuous stroking, and she had to struggle to concentrate. “Youare not doing that.”

“I want to. Anddon’t tell me that’s not something you have thoughtabout.”

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