Page 33 of Landen
“I am trying todecide on whether or not to purchase a house in the Bahamas or thisparticular painting. I daresay that a home on the island would costconsiderably less.”
“But would notgive you so much delight.” Stepping forward, he wedged betweenthe two women and discreetly pressed his hand against Tessa’sin brief acknowledgment. “Where were you planning on hangingit?”
“We own a homein the countryside, and I was thinking about the drawing room.”
“Excellent.”He nodded in approval. “I guarantee that you will not bedisappointed.”
She flashed him apleased smile. “My name is Amelia Gaither.”
“Landen. Apleasure to meet you.”
She turned to look atTessa, blue eyes twinkling. “He knows his stuff, my dear, andis charming and very convincing. I am sold.”
They waited untilshe had walked away before she spoke. “Are you trying to takeaway my job?”
“Not achance.” His eyes wandered over her exquisite features, and hecould feel the stirring of lust rising. “I am positive that ina few minutes or less, she would have been convinced to purchase thepainting. You look wonderful.” His deep voice had dropped to ahusky timber. “Is that turquoise?” He asked, referring tothe color of her dress.
“I believe itis.”
“I was about toget you a cup of your favorite latte. I just spent half an hourbrowsing through some stores and bought you something.”
“I am afraidit’s too late.” He flashed her grin. “It’sjust a diamond and ruby bracelet. Nothing too expensive.”
“I was thinkingwe could have dinner at the outside diner a few blocks from here.When do you get off?”
“Would you liketo meet me there, or should I come and wait for you?”
“I will meetyou there.”
“Good.”He lingered a few more seconds, eyes roving over her face. Then, witha sigh, he turned and left.
She watched him walkdown the stairs when a voice sounded behind her.
“A veryhandsome man.”
She started guiltily,forgetting that Ronald had stopped by to look at the books.
“Do you needme?”
He looked around atthe people mingling and beckoned her to follow him. “I justsent my darling to the vet for his usual shot.
It’s perplexingto me that I can stand getting poked and prodded by my physician, butfor the life of me, I cannot seem to stomach seeing my darling goingthrough it.” He opened the door to his hardly used office andwent to sit behind his desk.
“I have peoplewaiting-”
“Let themwait.” Propping his elbows on the shiny mahogany, he looselyclasped his fingers and stared at her. “Why don’t youtake a seat?”
She did soreluctantly.
“You know, I amvery up-to-date on celebrity gossip. Not only in this great countryof ours, but I am an avid reader of the various magazines who love toreport the going ons of the rich and powerful.”
“I know yourhabits.”