Page 31 of Landen
“You would lovewhere I am from.” He automatically reached out to dab thenapkin on the side of her lips. “Lush, vivid countryside androlling hills. Have you ever been to London?”
She shook her head.
“You shouldgo.”
“Is that aninvitation?” The minute the words were out of her mouth, sheknew she had made a mistake. Thinking frantically of something blaseto counteract her error, she opened her mouth only to clamp it shutand reached for the bottle of lemonade. “This is delicious-”
Taking the bottlefrom her, he sat up and drew her into his arms.
“I didn’tmean-”
“Shh,” Hewhispered achingly, his hands cradling her face. Tesa felt her bodymelting at the look in his eyes and wanted to drown in theirbeautiful depths. She was in trouble; it was no use denying it now.
She was on the way tofalling in love with him, and there was no way to stop it. With adejected sigh, she leaned into him and surrendered as he took herlips in a wildly arousing kiss that had her bursting into flames.
Even after a ratherpassionate and rough lovemaking, he was still unable to fall asleep.He had made love to her right beneath the towering limbs of an oldoak tree, ignoring her protests that someone might see them.
And then they ate themeal while he listened, with an indulgent smile, to the varioushumorous tales of some patrons who came to the gallery. She was anavid and natural storyteller, and he was soon drawn into the detailsas they enjoyed the meal.
He stared at thearched ceiling, a frown knitting his brow. He enjoyed her, theconversations, the sight of her, and her laughter, which sounded likechimes from the bell of the old cathedral where he grew up. She wascultured and intelligent, and he wanted more each time he made loveto her.
He had also stoppedthinking about leaving. His father had not called back, but he wassure it would be a matter of time before one or the other did. Fromexperience, he knew they would want to know what he was up to if hekept the family name unblemished.
And there was no wayon God’s green earth they would ever approve of the woman lyingnext to him; the thought sneaked upon him unawares and had thedespair trembling through his body.
What he shared withher was no longer a fling. It had become much more, and he had nobloody idea what he would do about it. He could pretend they were acouple for his time here and enjoy every minute spent with her.
And there wasanother troubling thought. He was not using anything with her. Forthe first time in his life, he abandoned his responsibilities as aChapman, and even when he did it for the first time, he was loath tohave anything between them.
He loved the feel ofher tight warmth wrapped around him.
But what of theconsequences? The annoying voice continued to hammer at hisconscience. Is that what you hope will happen to solve the problem ofyour parents accepting her?
No! He shoutedsilently; his body fraught with conflicted emotions.
Closing his eyes, heforced himself to try and get some sleep.
She found himdownstairs in the kitchen, nursing a large mug of coffee.
“I see thiscountry is beginning to rub off on you.” She nodded to thecoffee in front of him.
“In more waysthan one,” he told her obliquely as he slid off the stool topour her a cup. “There are still some food and pastries-”
“I am runninglate,” she said, shaking her head as she doctored her coffee.“We have some shipments coming in and inventory to do.”
“I will stop bysometime today.”
Her heart lifted anddid a slow roll.
“You don’thave to.”
“Oh, but I do.”Putting his cup aside, he came towards her and took her in his armsfor a kiss that had her clinging to him. “Or you could call insick-” His hands were splayed over her derriere as he moldedher against his arousal. “And we spend the day in bed.”
“We spent theday in bed yesterday.” She reminded him shakily, her armswrapped around his neck.