Page 29 of Landen

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Page 29 of Landen

“Because youwere playing with the food.” His hands cupped her face, hisexpression one of bemusement. “And seeing you wearing my shirtand nothing else makes me yearn to take it off you.”

“How do youknow I am not wearing anything else?” She asked breathlessly.

“I saw yournipples when you were standing inside the doorway.” His handswandered down her back to cup her butt. “And I can feel yourbare skin through the material.”

His mouth drifted toher neck to nibble, sending shards of fire throughout her body. Whenhe lifted the hem of the shirt and cupped her bare flesh, she melted.

Chapter 6

She stayed, ofcourse, and even though she protested that she really should go hometo prepare for work the next day, he somehow managed to brush awayher arguments, which weren’t strenuous in the first place.

She was tellingherself that this was just a fling she would enjoy. When he leaves,which he will do when the time comes, she happily wishes him goodbyeand never sees him again.

Brushing themisgivings from her mind, she suggested a picnic.

“A picnic?”He stared at her with a frown as he brushed her tangled hair off herforehead. After making love for the second time, they had finishedeating the meal in bed.

His long hairy legswere tangled with hers, and she felt positively wicked and sated aswell as exhausted. She was also pretending that they were in arelationship.

“Don’ttell me in that tiny country of yours, you have never heard of theword?” She teased. “It’s something to do with food,a basket, and a blanket. Getting any clues?”

He grinned at heroutrageous inference of how clueless he was. Bending his head, hebrushed his lips against hers, sending her senses plummeting.

“A picnicsounds fine,” he whispered against her mouth, his breathmingling with hers. “I will make the arrangements.”

“Whatarrangements?” Her senses were shattered, and she just wantedto pull him back on top of her.

“Food, love.”He brushed his lips against hers again and felt his body surging withlust. It bothered him that she could do this to him. One look, atouch from her, and he was enveloped in flames.

Lifting his head, hegave her an enigmatic stare before rolling off the bed and gettingdressed. “I know just the thing.”

“And I knowjust the place.” She called out as he left the room. Easing upagainst the pillows, she wrapped her drawn-up knees and propped herchin on them, her expression troubled. She had gone from absolutely -no way she was going to bed with this stranger to having feelings forhim.

She had never lied toherself before and was not about to start now. Not only was the sexthe most amazing thing she had ever experienced, but she liked him.She knew he was immensely wealthy, but he was charming and relatable.

She was accustomed towealthy men. Her boss was very rich in his way. And she had verywealthy patrons coming into the gallery, some hitting on her. One hadeven offered to put her up in a high-rise apartment and fund all herbills, and she had gently but politely refused.

Landen was different,or was it that she had somehow developed some sort of feeling forhim? Here she was in bed after a very torrid lovemaking and thinkingof the future. It was an impossible future because there was no wayshe would ever be a suitable match for someone like him.

Stirring herself, sheclimbed off the bed, went to take a shower, and donned the clothesshe had worn yesterday. She brushed the tangles from her hair when hereturned to the room.

“The food isordered and on the way.” His green eyes ran over her head andmet hers in the mirror. “You showered without me.”

“You weretaking so long; I thought you had gone out to catch whatever the mealwas going to be.” She heard herself teasing him.

A grin crossed hishandsome face, thundering her heart inside her chest and shaking herhands. “I wanted to order the best. Kelly has a restaurant afew blocks from here.” He came up behind her, took the brushfrom her, and proceeded to finish the job she had been doing.


“I love it whenyou call my name.” His deep voice had a husky timber to it thatheated her body.

He was brushing inrhythmic strokes that were somewhat soothing.

“You seem toknow what you are doing.”

His eyes twinkled.“Why don’t you ask the question that I am certain you aredying to ask?”

“This is notyour first time.”

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