Page 24 of Landen
Her heart waspounding painfully inside her chest, and she was weak with longing.This intense feeling of overpowering lust was making her edgy andnervous.
“You may looknow.” The amused sound of his deep accented voice dragged hereyes from the view as he climbed into bed beside her. “Are youdisappointed, love?”
“I will notsatisfy your perversity by answering that question.” She toldhim primly. “You probably have hundreds of women telling youhow good you look.”
“I just need tohear it from one, you.” His green eyes were smoldering as theytook in the lush beauty lying next to him, and the only thing hecould think of was that she was finally here where she belonged.
“I am notafraid to say that you are the most beautiful woman I have everseen.”
Ignoring the plungingof her heart, she managed to scoff. “I bet you say that to allthe women you sleep with.”
“How many doyou think there are?”
His deep chucklewarmed her heart. “Minus a zero at least. Shall I ask you aboutyour former lovers?”
“You canask.”
To his surprise, hesmiled at her expression and realized that even though he was dyingto sink deep into her, he was enjoying the conversation. “Howmany?”
“I am notgoing to answer that.”
Trailing a fingerdown her cheek, he fixed his eyes on hers. “I am not going tojudge you.”
Her tapered eyebrowslifted, and a reluctant smile touched her lips. “I would notcare.”
“Were they anygood or just mediocre? What? I would like to know what I am upagainst.”
“I cannotbelieve we are having this conversation.”
“Me either.”Bending his head, he followed the trail of his finger and brushed hislips over her smooth cheek. “How do they rate?” Hewhispered against her lips.
“There has beenonly one.” She found herself whispering as he nibbled at theseams of her lips. His head jerked up, the shock on his face evident.
“I refuse torepeat myself, and you can stop looking at me as if I am some kind offreak.” She started to move away from him, but he held herfast.
“How the bloodyhell is that possible? Are the men in this country blind?”
“I am veryselective.”
“I am veryselective.”
Landen could notbelieve it. The woman lying next to him was beautiful and sexy and hewas having a difficult time keeping his hands off her.
Iti It struck himthat she was here with him, even though she knew he would be gone inthree weeks. It did something peculiar to his heart and made him wantto treasure their time together.
His eyes drifted toher face as if he memorized her features. “You have a tinymole, a slight defect on an otherwise perfect face.” He teasedher shakily as he bent to kiss the almost invisible black mark at theside of her nose.
He teased her shakilyas he bent to kiss the almost invisible black mark at the side of hernose. “I will endeavor not to allow it to turn me off.”
She turned into him,her hands reaching up to touch his chest.
“Don’tstop, love,” he whispered hoarsely when she hesitated. “Ilove the feel of your hands on me. That’s it, baby.”