Page 36 of Stalked By the Assistant Coach
“I just… What if whoever is watching me knows about you? What if—” She looked around and behind her as if she could feel someone watching her as she leaned in closer. "What if they know about you?” she whispered.
I couldn’t help myself.
I pulled her into my arms, wrapping mine around her to keep her close and against my chest. I was coming off like a real fucking prince instead of the fucking monster under her bed.
“You think I would let anything happen to you?” I rasped. She sniffled as the material of my shirt started to feel wet and shook her head against my chest. “Never, bug. I’d never let anyone hurt you. You’re mine,” I whispered as I held her tighter. My hand cupped the back of her head.
I was a sick fuck.
She was scared as hell, and it was my fault.
But as messed up as that was, I loved that I was the one she ran to without a second thought to feel safe with. My girl came to me. That little thought made me feel like a fucking god.
“Let’s get you inside and settled, alright?” I suggested. “I’ll make some tea, and you can relax before you call Brewer and tell him you’re taking a couple of days off.”
“He’s not going to like that,” she whispered, and I scowled.
“I don’t give a shit what he likes or not.” I pulled back and gently held the tip of her chin with my fingers. “You’re mine. You know what that means?” She shook her head. “That you’re safe. Always. I’ll make sure of it,” I promised.
Relief flooded her features, and her body sagged against me as she leaned into my arms. I held her close when something came over me. I would keep her safe from others, lay my life on the line if I had to.
Too bad I was the one she needed protection from.
We went inside and straight to the kitchen in silence. I set the cameras on top of the kitchen counter before putting the kettle on and having her pick out what kind of tea she wanted.
I haven't been caught.
She didn’t know.
She didn’t even suspect it was me who had breached her privacy.
Once her drink was ready, I made her sit on my lap. I watched as she blew on her tea and started to slowly drink it. My ladybug was so fucking trusting. I should have felt like an asshole. She was terrified because of me.
But I didn’t.
How could I? It was impossible when Kait felt like she had been made just for me while she sat on my lap and drank her tea while I rubbed her back.
This was how it was supposed to be.
I’d fucked up waiting for some damn illusive perfect moment. As much of a monster as it made me, I didn’t regret the cameras. How could I when they had simply brought her right to my doorstep? When it showed me just how much she trusted me" How much she needs me. After she was relaxed, she turned to look at me.
“What is it?” I asked. She started to shake her head, but I frowned. It was obvious she had something on her mind. “What’s that look about?” I asked again, unknowingly putting my own foot in my mouth.
“Since when do you drink tea?” she asked as she looked at me. Jesus, it suddenly felt like everything in the room had turned hot and I was under a microscope.
“What?” My pulse started to go haywire.
I fucked up. I didn’t drink tea. I didn’t really drink anything else but coffee, water, and beer. On occasion something a little harder, like a scotch or whiskey.
And she knew that.
The tea was for her. I always had her favorite tea on hand. Teas I knew she liked to drink not because she told me about it but because I watched her enjoy them.
“Red? You have tea. You don’t drink tea, and they are all my favorites.”
“That’s because they’re for you,” I croaked. I couldn’t believe I’d answered her so damn honestly.
“For me?” Her eyes widened, and I swallowed hard.