Page 17 of Stalked By the Assistant Coach
“I hate doing the press shit. Ryan’s not here right now.” His jaw clenched. His eyes skid to the ground, and when he glanced up at me, I knew he knew where the head coach was, but for whatever reason, he was going to keep it to himself. He was keeping something from me.
“I can wait.”
“I can’t.” He pulled me into his body, and I easily surrendered. Pressing my front to his as I stared up at the face of the man I had been in love with for a ridiculously long time. His head dipped down, but before he reached my lips, he kissed the top of my head and pulled away. Our fingers tangled together, and before I knew it, we were rushing out of his office and through the back exit of the locker room.
All without a single soul seeing us.
“Eat.” I pointed at the plate of pasta I’d cooked.
My ladybug rolled her eyes before digging in. That little hint of sass kept my blood warm as I thought about the day I’d never planned on. How many times throughout our friendship had I all but prayed for her to make a move and kiss me all while begging for the opposite? Countless times. Moments when she'd look up at me, when her eyes would dip to my lips, and I could almost feel her need as my own. I shook my head while she went on about how I didn’t need to cook for her, but I’d be damned if I let her go hungry.
She kept talking and laughing. I nodded and shook my head in all the right moments but couldn’t tell you a word she said. Not when I still couldn’t believe she was there.
She was finally in the house I’d built for her.
Every corner and crevice had been set up with her in mind. Every color and piece of furniture had her stamp on it whether she knew it or not. Not that I had given her a tour of it or anything. Not yet. All I had done was hurry her through the garage after driving us right inside and rush her to the kitchen. It was all I could think about when she mentioned she had missed lunch because she had been stuck in traffic coming to see me.
For a moment, I wondered if I had locked the room I all but lived in when I left it last night. I couldn’t remember to save my life. But even knowing that room could destroy everything I had ever wanted, my mind kept slipping away from me. I was only so strong. My eyes dipped to her lips, and I was reminded I’d kissed her.
I’d told her how I felt.
The fact she was sitting in front of me, that she wasn’t some kind of fantasy I’d let myself have, was unbelievable. As subtly as possible, I pinched my thigh to make sure I hadn’t completely lost my mind. The pressure and slight pinch of pain let me know I wasn’t dreaming.
She is really here.
Living and breathing and smiling up at me like I was the only man she’d ever had eyes for. She set her fork down and patted her flat belly. The movement only reminded me of the fact she wanted to get knocked up. A deliciously heady thought floated through my brain, one I knew would never leave my head. Breeding her. Watching her drip my come after I gave her load after load.
If I had anything to say about it, I’d knock her up time and time again. I’d keep Kait barefoot and pregnant.
“That was really good, Red.” She smiled up at me. “You always make the best dinners.” That was an exaggeration. Mostly because my girl was amazing at a lot of things, but one thing she was terrible at was cooking.
“It was nothing, just some spaghetti and—” Her small, cool hand covered mine, and my eyes dropped to the sight. Fuck me, our size difference made my overstimulated, sex-depraved brain run a million miles an hour with all the other ways I’d be bigger than her.
“Red?” Kait called out my name, and I shook my head as I stared into her beautiful dark gaze. “Are you even listening to me?” Her head tilted to the side.
I opened my mouth to respond but was distracted by the way her hair flowed to the side. It danced slightly. Back and forth. The tresses silently called to my aching hands. I wanted to touch it, to feel the cool, silky strands between my fingers before wrapping her hair around my hand as I plowed her from behind.
“I said I missed this. Doing this. We used…” Her voice drifted off to nothing. I could fill in the blanks. Leaving Beech Grove had hurt because it not only meant leaving her behind but not having her with me every spare moment like I used to spend my time back home. We were attached at the hip. If she was done with her lesson plans, she would come out to the field and sit and watch practices so much, she knew each of my players by name.
“Are you done eating?” My voice sounded scratchy in my ears. My head was filled with very real images of what might come from the night. Her pussy filled to the brim, her pretty lips begging for more.
I tried to shake away the visceral image that was now painted inside my mind. Who the hell was I kidding? It was an image I’d seen time and time again. The only difference was now I wouldn’t think about pulling out. Knowing she wanted a kid only amped up the dirty fantasy. I’d cream that little cunt of hers until it dripped.
“Yeah,” she sighed. I could tell by the way she looked at me that she wasn’t sure where my head was. If I told her exactly what was running through it, I’d have a ladybug-shaped hole in my front door.
I stood and picked up our plates. Quietly clearing the table before loading things into the dishwasher. I needed to focus my attention on something other than her.
“This is weird,” she commented, and just the sound of her voice was enough to make my dick throb.
“What is?” I asked, not bothering to turn from the sink while I rinsed our cups as I mentally willed my dick to calm the fuck down. But the monster between my legs was like a dog with a bone.
She was there, and she loved me.
We’d kissed.