Page 33 of Bait
He grins widely. “Agreed. Maybe we could come back when Queen Grouch and her ilk aren’t prowling around.”
I giggle as I move into him. “That soundsperfect.” I pout slightly. “But what about date night?”
“Oh, date night is still on,” he growls. “You’re not getting out of it that easily. I was going for culture tonight, but maybe this is a littletoo muchculture.”
I smile, and when his hands slide over my hips, I press against him.
“I have an idea,” he says quietly into the top of my head.
“Want me to tell you or do you want to be surprised?”
I pull back, looking up at him and those piercing eyes as my lip catches between my teeth.
“I think I’m starting to like your surprises.”
He grins.
“Good,” he purrs, his hands tightening on me for a second. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Okay this isperfect.”
I turn and beam at Oliver as I sink back in the big lazy-boy-style chair in stadium-seating movie theater. Oliver winks as he holds the popcorn out to me, and I grin as I grab a big handful of buttery snacks.
“How’d you even know I like horror movies?”
“I didn’t.”
I glance at him, one brow arched. “Lucky guess.”
“Nah,” he turns, grinning at me. “I was just hoping you’d be scared enough to climb into my lap and hang on tight.”
I laugh deeply as the lights go down, and previews begin to play across the screen. The theater is almost empty, considering it’s a Tuesday and considering that movie they’re playing—this campy slasher piece of trash—has been out for like three months. But, that’s a good thing. And it’s a good thing because the second he says it, I want nothing elsebutto climb into Oliver’s lap.
…But not because I’m scared.
The previews play, and as I glance around, I realize just how empty the big theater is. There’s only a handful of other people, and they’re all much closer to the screen, as opposed to us being in the second to last row. I pop another handful of popcorn into my mouth when suddenly, I feel Oliver’s lips at my ear, and I shiver.
“Got everything you need?” he whispers deeply.
I nod, gasping slightly at the way his breath teases over my skin.
“Not going to be too scared?” he says with a low chuckle.
“Nah,” I grin, turning to lock eyes with him.
“Good.” He moves closer, his lips brushing mine in the darkness between previews. “Because I just need one more thing from you before the movies starts.”
I raise my brows.
He nods. “Yeah.”
I’m about to ask what, when instead, I gasp as his hands slide to both knees, pushing my black cocktail dress halfway up my thighs as he leans right into me.
“I’m going to need thosepanties, baby girl,” he growls thickly.