Page 30 of Bait
“Will…” she blushes. “Will I see you later?”
I nod, my eyes hungrily drinking her in.
“My house, after you’re done for the day.”
She swallows, her eyes hooded with lust.
“Okay,” she whispers heatedly.
“Get to class, baby,” I grin, pulling her in and kissing her.
She picks up her bag and heads for the door, taking a breath and smoothing out her skirt and fixing her hair before she turns back to me, one hand on the knob.
“See you later,Professor.”
She opens the door and steps out, and I’m just turning back to my desk, a big shit-eating grin on my face, when I hear my name.
I turn, my eyes going a little wide as I see Vice Principle Lyne standing in my doorway.
“Your office hours haven’t started yet, have they?”
I shake my head, swallowing thickly as I lean back against my desk. “No, not yet.”
“So why did I just see Anastasia Penworth leaving your classroom?”
“She needed some…” I clear my throat. “Some help with some of the extra credit she’s doing for me.”
Kelly’s eyes narrow, a sour look on her face. And I can tell she’s still sore from me turning her down the night before. Even if the whole thing with Ana wasn’t there, I still would have zero interest in Kelly.
“Well, she seemed happy.”
I smile thinly. “She’s a good student. She just needs some…directionsometimes.”
Kelly frowns, eyeing me.
“Your shirt is unbuttoned, Oliver.”
I swallow.Shit.
I glance down, and sure enough my top two buttons are undone. Not to mention, the whole shirt is untucked. I look back up at Kelly and shrug as casually as I can.
“Intense lesson,” I say with a smile. “I can get pretty deep into it.”
More like deep into Anastasia’s sweet, perfect little pussy, I growl to myself.
Kelly’s scowl doesn’t go away as she watches me tuck in and button up my shirt.
“We have a dress code here, Oliver. A code of conduct.”
“Thank you, Kelly, I’m aware,” I say thinly.
She blinks, her eyes burning into me. “I’m watching you, Oliver.”
I frown. “For?”
She smiles thinly, stepping towards me.