Page 13 of Bait
“Oliver are you… I mean,” Ms. Lyne sighs deeply. “Do you datemen, Oliver?”
I almost laugh around his cock.
“Excuse me?” he growls.
“Oliver, I’m telling you I want you to take me out for a drink. I’m inviting you to come hang out in my very building. Most of the male staff here wouldtripover themselves at the opportunity.”
I arch a brow as I pull away to tongue at Oliver’s head.
What a bitch, I think to myself before I sink my mouth back over Professor Bard’s big cock.
“I’m not gay, if that’s what you’re asking, Kelly,” he growls. “I just don’t mix work and play, that’s all.”
“I see,” Ms. Lyne says testily.
“And you’re technically my boss. I don’t know how appropriate—”
“Forget it, Oliver,” she hisses under her breath, and I hear her stand from the desk.
“Enjoy grading your paper,” she mutters.
“Enjoy the gym, Kelly.”
I listen, my mouth still bobbing up and down his pulsing, thick cock, as Ms. Lyne walks towards the door. It opens, and she pauses.
“Oh, and Oliver, one more thing. I expect those mid-term evaluations on my deskfirst thingon Monday.”
My fingers tease over his swollen balls as I kiss his head, and he just groans, hand tightening in my hair as Ms. Lyne slams the door behind her.
Oliver immediately growls, pushing his chair back and dropping his fierce gaze to me, sitting there on my knees suckling his fat cock.
“You fuckingtease,” he groans as I pull away, biting my lip and looking up at him.
The green jealous fire from before is almost gone, but it’s still there a little, burning fiercely in my chest. I chew at my lip as I look at him coolly.
“Did you guys go out?”
He frowns. “What?”
“You andKelly.”
Oliver snorts, a small grin teasing the corners of his mouth.
“No, we did not. I had a drink with her when I first started, and that’s it.”
“At the bar in same building shelivesin?”
I can hear the testy, jealous tone in my voice, and I know how lame it is, but I can’t stop. Oliver just smiles though, his eyes holding mine as he strokes my hair with his big hand.
“Justa drink, baby girl,” he purrs. “Trust me.”
He eyes me, that sly smile still teasing his lips.
“I think I like you with that jealous glint in your eyes, you know.”
I pout at him,
“She’s pretty.”