Page 11 of Bait
I push my hips forward, letting my swollen head nudge over her clit, feeling her soft, slippery lips kissing the underside of my rock-hard cock. I keep teasing her clit, again and again, my cock leaking sticky white precum all over her as I move faster over her clit. I kiss her hard and deep, swallowing her moans until suddenly, I feel her tense against me and then shudder as the small orgasm tingles through her.
“Oh myGod,” she gasps, clinging to me and moaning for more as I nudge my head lower. I press into her, sliding my eager, swollen cockjusta little inside, and she cries out, clawing at my arms.
“Tell me you want this, baby girl,” I hiss—one final glance over the edge before the fall.
Anastasia leans in to me, undoing my tie and the top few buttons of my dress shirt. She kisses me while she does it, and when she’s done, she pulls away, kissing her way to my jaw.
“I want you tofuck me, Professor Bard,” she all but whispers, her voice breathless and her eyes wild as they lock onto me.
“I want you to fuck meexactlyhow you want to.”
I groan, my lips searing to hers.
“Good girl,” I growl, teasing her clit. And I’m about to slide right into that pure, slick heaven between her legs, when I suddenly hear the sound footsteps coming down the hall.
Our eyes dart to one another, and her face pales. The footsteps grow louder, and when they stop right outside my classroom door, I swear under my breath.
It happens so fast that I barely even register it. Anastasia gasps, darting under my damn desk just as I manage to drop to my chair and wheel it in close to the desk with my legs under itjustbefore the door swings wide open.
“Oliver! You’re here late.”
My heart is racing, and there’s a ringing in my ears, but I can still recognize the woman’s voice as she enters the room as belonging to Vice Principle Lyne. Adrenaline and fear and this rushing sensation flood my body as I sit there under Oliver’s desk on my knees—my shirt wide open, my skirt pulled up, and my panties… somewhere?
I cringe, hoping to God they’re not sitting on his freaking desk or something. On the plus side, his desk has a front to it, which means I’m totally hidden beneath it. The other plus is that his thick cock is still out, throbbing and rock hard as it juts from his lap under the desk, barely a foot from me. I bite my lip, watching the little trickle of white precum leak from his swollen head to run down his shaft.
“Detention,” Professor Bard says gruffly, clearing his throat. “It just let out, actually.”
Vice Principle Lyne laughs this forced-sounding, but musical laugh.
“Ahh yes, your famous midnight detention.”
She giggles, and I can imagine those perfect white teeth of hers flashing from behind perfectly painted, full lips. Winchester’s Vice Principle is in her early thirties, and is totally and utterlygorgeous, in that kind of James Bond villainess way—dark, long tumbling locks of hair. Perfectly smoky blue eyes, perfect teeth, perfect tits, a butt half the girls on the cheer squad would commit murder for. And despite being frosty asfuckand a permanent ice-queen of a bitch, at least two-thirds of the guys at Winchester lust over her, daily.
She laughs again, and I hear her walk over to Oliver’s desk.
“It’s so old-school of you, Oliver.”
Professor Bard laughs a thin laugh. “Well, what can I say, I’m an old-school guy.”
“Such atask-master,” Ms. Lyne purrs out with a flirty giggle. My jaw sets, and my eyes suddenly narrow.
“I have to say, I love a man who can lay down the law and keep a firm grip on things.”
My jaw drops. Is she fuckingflirtingwith him?
The thought burns through my mind, making me see red.
“Anything I can help you with, Kelly?” Oliver says evenly, ignoring her flirty comment.
“Oh, I just saw your light on and wanted to come check in on my favorite new teacher before I left. But, since I have you…” Ms. Lyne giggles. “What do you think?”