Page 79 of Lich's Mate
I hear a rustling noise behind me but before I can turn around a big hand closes around my neck from behind.
“Did you really think I’d be that easy to kill? You can’t be serious. I’m fucking Gorran! I don’t just die like that at the hand of a fucking human!”
I try to reach behind me to free myself but it’s in vain. Gorran has me in a deadly grip.
Kavian pushes himself off the ground, shakily standing up. “Let her go!” His voice is weak.
Gorran bursts into laughter, coughing in between breaths. “No fucking way. This bitch thought she could kill me. I will finish her off personally.” He throws me to the ground and I hit the ground with a loud thud, the air knocked out of my lungs.
“You bastard!” Kavian screams—a horrifying sound that turns into a howl of anger.
He storms at Gorran and knocks him off his feet. I can hear the blows landing on Gorran’s face and body, the demon on top of him punching anywhere he can get an opening.
With a grunt, Gorran pushes Kavian off, rolling on top of him.
I stumble to my feet, unsteady and woozy, but determined to help Kavian.
Gorran’s claws wrap around Kavian’s neck, dead set on snuffing out his life.
No! I can’t let this happen!
I look around for anything that can help and my eyes fall on the bloody spear. I swoop it up and charge at Gorran once again.
This time I aim higher and impale his head with the tip of the spear. A sickening crunching sound can be heard as the blade pierces his skull. The trio of xaphans who accompanied him here hiss and mumble things under their breath. They begin their retreat, staring at the bloodied corpse that was once their leader.
Kavian rolls out from under Gorran, who is on his knees, his hands feebly trying to reach for the spear in his head.
I push down harder, driving the spear through his head and into the ground.
With a low grunt of pain, Gorran’s arms go limp. He remains in a kneeling position, held up by the spear like a macabre xaphan tent.
I stand frozen, my hands still on the spear until I hear Kavian next to me.
“Meera…” I look up at him immediately.
“Kavian!” I let go of the spear and rush over to him. He embraces me, a big, bloody smile on his face.
Gently pushing me away, Kavian looks into my eyes. “That was amazing.”
Although the realization that I killed someone is sinking in, I feel no regret. Gorran was a filthy bastard and deserved a worse death than I gave him.
I look into Kavian’s eyes. “We don’t have to fight anymore. It’s over.”
His eyes shine brightly. “It is. And our lives together are just beginning.”
Using my shadow powers, I drag Gorran’s body into my estate. My servants are terrified, but when I call them, they come.
“Burn his corpse and be done with him once and for all,” I order.
Their faces are solemn, eyes wide with fear, but they obey, trembling as they set to work disposing of the xaphan's body. I can see the relief on their faces when the flames begin to consume his corpse, erasing all traces of him from our home. I don't blame them. I feel it, too.
But there is still more to do.
Taking a deep breath, I turn towards Meera. She's standing in the hallway, her clothes soaked in blood, her eyes wide and vacant. The sight of her shakes something inside of me.