Page 77 of God of War (Legacy of Gods)
But I do it more enthusiastically, lapping my tongue around his fingers and deep-throating them as I stare at his eyes. Then I slow my pace and bat my lashes at him.
A muscle clenches in his jaw as he slips out his fingers. “Don’t flirt.”
I spit out the underwear and slide my arse up and down his erection. “Finish what you started.”
“You lost that opportunity when you challenged me. Only good girls get rewarded.” He shoves the underwear in my mouth again, releases me, and retrieves his phone.
I’m disoriented as he snaps a picture of me propped against a bathroom sink, skirt bunched to my waist, arse in the air, and my underwear filling my mouth.
“Fascinating,” he whispers before he turns around and disappears.
Leaving me unsatisfied, infuriated, and feeling dreadful about how this little episode changes everything.
I’ve learned something distinctively interesting.
And? You’re going to have us beg before you spell it out?
That’s a good start. On your knees, peasant.
This bitch seems to forget that my lordship outranks him in every sense of that word. You’re the one who needs to bow down before my noble presence.
I’d rather be stranded in the Sahara and survive on eating sand.
@Lan.King, is this by any chance concerning my ‘beloved’ brother?
Why is the beloved in quotes?
*GIF of a kid rolling their eyes* Because he doesn’t mean it. OBVIOUSLY. My spawn Creigh loves me more than you. Trust.
Keep floundering in your delusions while the rest of us are busy doing grown-up things.
Such as?
Building actual empires.