Page 37 of Perfect (Second Opportunities 2)
"I said drive!"
"Which way?" she cried, hating the timid, pleading sound of her voice and loathing the animal beside her for making her experience this uncontrollable terror.
"Back the way we came."
"You heard me."
Rush hour traffic on the snowbound interstate near the city limits was moving at a crawl. Inside the car, the tension and silence were suffocating. Trying desperately to calm her rampaging nerves while she watched for some chance to escape, Julie lifted her shaking hand to change the radio station, fully expecting him to order her not to do it. When he said nothing, she turned the dial and heard a disk jockey's voice exuberantly introducing the next country/western song. A moment later the car was filled with the cheerful sounds of "All My Ex's Live in Texas."
While George Strait sang, Julie looked around at the occupants of the other cars, homeward bound after a long day. The man in the Explorer beside her was listening to the same radio station, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel, keeping time with the melody. He glanced her way, saw her looking at him, and nodded sociably, then he returned his gaze to the front. She knew he hadn't seen anything abnormal. Everything looked perfectly normal to him, and if he were sitting where she was in the Blazer, it would have seemed perfectly normal. George Strait was singing, just like normal, and the expressway was crowded with motorists who were eager to get home, just like normal, and the snow was beautiful, just like normal. Everything was normal.
Except for one thing.
An escaped murderer was sitting in the seat beside her, holding a gun on her. It was the cozy normalcy of appearances juxtaposed against the demented reality of her situation that suddenly shoved Julie from paralysis to action. Traffic began to move, and her desperation gave birth to inspiration: They'd already passed several cars in ditches on both sides of the road. If she could fake a skid toward the ditch on the right and if she could throw the steering wheel to the left just as they went into the ditch, her door should remain usable while his might very well be trapped. It would work in her own car, but she wasn't sure how the Blazer's four-wheel drive would respond.
Beside her, Zack saw her gaze flick repeatedly to the side of the road. He sensed her mounting panic and knew that fear was going to drive her to try something desperate at any moment. "Relax!" he ordered.
Julie's capacity for fear suddenly reached its limits and her emotions veered crazily from terror to fury. "Relax!" she exploded in a shaking voice, whipping her head around and glaring at him. "How in God's name do you expect me to relax when you're sitting there with a gun aimed at me? You tell me that!"
She had a point, Zack thought, and before she attempted something else that might actually get him captured, he decided that helping her to relax was in both of their best interests. "Just stay calm," he instructed.
Julie stared straight ahead. Traffic was thinning out slightly, picking up some speed, and she began to calculate the feasibility of ramming the Blazer into the cars around her in an attempt to cause a major pileup. Such an action would cause the police to be summoned. That would be very good.
But she and the other innocent motorists involved in the collision would likely end up being shot by Zachary Benedict.
That would be very bad.
She was wondering if his gun had a full clip of nine shells in it and whether he would actually massacre helpless people, when he said in a calm, condescending voice that adults use on hysterical children, "Nothing, is going to happen to you, Julie. If you do as you're told, you'll be fine. I need transportation to the state line, and you have a car, it's as simple as that. Unless this car is so important to you that you want to risk your life to get me out of it, all you have to do is drive and not attract anyone's attention. If a cop spots us, there's going to be shooting, and you'll be in the middle of it. So just be a good girl and relax."
"If you want me to relax," she retorted, goaded past all endurance by his patronizing tone and her strained nerves, "then you let me hold that gun, and I'll show you relaxed!" She saw his brows snap together, but when he didn't make a retaliatory move, she almost believed that he truly didn't intend to harm her—so long as she didn't jeopardize his escape. That possibility had the perverse effect of subduing her fears and simultaneously unleashing her frustrated fury at the torment he'd already put her through. "Furthermore," she continued wrathfully, "don't speak to me like I'm a child and don't call me Julie! I was Ms. Mathison to you when I thought you were a nice, decent man who needed a job and who'd bought those d-damned jeans to impress your em-employer. If it hadn't been for those damned j-jeans, I wouldn't be in this mess—" To Julie's horror, she felt the sudden sting of tears, so she shot him what she hoped was a disdainful look and then glared fixedly out the windshield.
Zack lifted his brows and regarded her in impassive silence, but inwardly he was stunned and reluctantly impressed by her unexpected show of courage. Turning his head, he looked at the traffic opening up ahead of them and at the thick, falling snow that had seemed like a curse a few hours ago but had actually diverted the attention of the police who had to deal with stranded motorists before they could begin to search for him. Last, he considered the stroke of luck that had put him not in the small rented car that had been towed away while he watched, but in a heavy four-wheel-drive vehicle that could easily navigate in the snow without getting bogged down on the less traveled route he intended to take up into the Colorado mountains. All of the delays and complications that had infuriated him for the last two days had turned out to be bonuses, he realized. He was going to make it to Colorado—thanks to Julie Mathison. Ms. Mathison, he corrected himself with an inner grin as he relaxed back in his seat. His flash of amusement vanished as quickly as it had come, because there was something about that newscast he'd heard earlier that was belatedly beginning to worry him: Dominic Sandini had been referred to as "another escaped convict" who "was apprehended and taken into custody." If Sandini had stuck to the plan, then Warden Hadley should have been crowing to the press about the loyalty of one of his trustees rather than referring to Sandini as an apprehended convict.
Zack told himself that the information on the newscast had simply been jumbled, which accounted for the mistake about Sandini, and he forced himself to concentrate on the irate young teacher beside him instead. Although he desperately needed her and her car right now, she was also a serious complication to his plans. She probably knew he was heading for Colorado; moreover, she might have seen enough of that map and the directions with it to be able to tell the police the vicinity of Zack's hideaway. If he left her at the Texas—Oklahoma border or a little further north at the Oklahoma—Colorado border, she'd be able to tell the authorities where he was going and exactly what kind of car he was driving as well. By now, his face was already plastered all over every television screen in the country, so he couldn't possibly hope to rent or buy another car without being recognized. Furthermore, he wanted the police to believe he'd managed to fly to Detroit and cross into Canada.