Page 9 of Mountain Man Officer
“It’s perfectly safe,” I assured her.
The door opened, and in walked Macy Ford, without her little ones.
“Hi, Macy,” I said, “I’ll be with you in a few minutes.”
“Take your time.” Macy chose a magazine and sat down in the waiting area.
I finished up with my client and turned her to face the mirror.
“Beautiful as always,” the older woman said, gingerly touching her locks.
I helped her take the plastic bib off and climb out of the chair.
“I’ll see you next month?” I asked as we moved toward the door.
“Wednesday at eleven,” she said with a smile.
“Wednesday at eleven,” I confirmed. I opened the door for her and gave her time to exit the shop. Once that was done, I turned my attention to Macy. “Thanks for coming in.”
“Oh, I needed it.” Macy set her magazine down. “You wouldn’t believe what kind of gross things I’ve had in my hair.”
I raised an eyebrow.
“Peanut butter. Yogurt. Applesauce.” Macy laughed. “I desperately need a haircut.”
“Well, hop on into the chair,” I said.
She sat, and I swiveled her chair, so we were both facing the mirror. I ran my fingers through her hair, getting a feel for it. As an artist, it was almost like hair was my clay. I had to know what I was working with before I could shape it into something beautiful.
“Do you know what you want?” I asked.
Macy shrugged. “A little bit shorter than it is right now. Something low maintenance but still sexy.”
I laughed. “I know just the cut.”
“Aren’t you going to introduce us?” Ava pouted.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “Ava, this is Macy Ford. She’s new to Singer’s Ridge.”
“I’ve been here three, almost four years,” Macy said.
“Girl, I’ve been here my whole life,” Ava laughed. “You’re new.”
“Macy, this is Ava. We’ve been best friends since high school.”
“Pleased to meet you,” Macy said.
“And this—” Ava placed her hands on her client’s shoulders. “—is Bella. She bakes the best cookies this side of Nashville.”
“Go on,” Bella said.
“I’d love to try some,” Macy said.
“I’ll bring some over,” Bella replied. “You work in the doctor’s building, don’t you?”
Macy nodded. “I see clients in the doctor’s building on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Mondays and Fridays, I do home visits.”
“What kind of home visits?” I asked, running a brush through her hair.