Page 75 of Mountain Man Officer
“I’m going to take the day off,” he said.
I felt the familiar roiling in my belly and raced to the bathroom before emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet. It seemed like the baby hadn’t gotten the memo and would continue to be feisty. Jason followed me, drawing a cup of water from the tap for me to swish my mouth out.
I gave him a thankful smile, on my knees, gripping the porcelain throne.
“It’s that bad?” Concern showed in his voice.
I accepted the water and rinsed, spitting into the bowl. “It’s okay.”
“How long has this been going on?”
“A couple weeks,” I said.
“Why did you keep it from me?” he wondered.
“At first I thought it was food poisoning or some sort of dizzy spell reaction to various hair chemicals,” I admitted. “Then when I took the pregnancy test, I wasn’t sure how you would react. We hadn’t even said ‘I love you’ at that point.”
He nodded, trying to not push more. “What do you need for breakfast? Eggs and toast?”
“Some crackers would be nice,” I tried.
He helped me to my feet and walked me into the living room, taking care with each step. It was adorable to watch him being so tender, so solicitous. He had obviously never been around a pregnant woman and had no idea how to act. In his ignorance, he treated me like a China doll. I let him take care of me. For once in my life, I let someone in, giving up my façade of invulnerability. He poured me a Sprite and got my box of crackers from the cabinet.
He got the television from the bedroom and set it up in the living room. We snuggled together and watched romantic comedies.
“We can turn your room into a nursery,” he said, kissing the back of my hand.
“That’s what I was thinking,” I agreed. “You could make a crib.”
“I would like that,” he said. “I could use your gift card from the hardware store.”
“I’ll have to find a new job,” I said reluctantly. I couldn’t afford to buy the hair salon, and with the baby on the way, getting out to clients’ homes might not be feasible.
“You could stay home,” he suggested. “I make enough money to support us.”
It was a perfect suggestion. I imagined rising with the dawn to soothe the baby, cooking meals and cleaning the house. It might work for a while, but I always knew that I would want my career back eventually. I wasn’t a lawyer or a politician, but doing hair made me feel important. I loved the way I could change someone’s outlook, giving them more energy and confidence. I would miss that if I had to give it up.
I told Jason my jumbled thoughts, and he understood completely. Although we were devoted to each other, we both had the right to live our lives how we wanted. And I just so happened to want to live it by giving my customers’ confidence through transforming the hair on their heads.
“We’ll figure it out,” he said. “Let’s just focus on your pregnancy and getting a beautiful, healthy baby first.”
I grinned widely, capturing his lips in a wholly kiss to display my love for him.
Icouldn’t wait. Now that Lindsey and I had reconnected, I wanted everyone to know how happy we were. I had an ulterior motive, but one I would keep hidden for the time being. I called everyone on my contacts list from Singer’s Ridge: Cheryl, Ryan, the chief, Ava, Macy, Dillon, and even the two part-time girls from the salon. I invited everyone over for grilling and beers and a formal announcement of Lindsey’s pregnancy.
We found an old grill out back, and after a quick trip to the grocery store, I lit it up. We had burgers and dogs, and I bought enough beer to go around. Lindsey and her friends camped out in the living room, playing with little Nicky. The chief, Ryan, Cheryl, and I circled the barbeque, congratulating ourselves on the close of the salon case.
Dillon came to stand with us, and we reminisced about life in the big city. The chief offered Dillon a job if he wanted it, but Dillon turned him down.
“I’m content where I am,” he said. “Working from home allows me to take care of Nicky when Macy has to go into the office.”
The girls drifted out of the house when the food was done, and we all sat on the porch, munching happily. I noticed a tension between Ryan and Ava, but maybe less so now than in the past. They were cordial to each other, even pausing to spend a few moments catching up. I rescued him when he looked my way, making up some excuse about having him look at my truck.
“Thanks, man,” he said as soon as we got away.