Page 67 of Mountain Man Officer
I put my hand on her hip and pulled her firmly toward me, anchoring our bodies together. She was so hot. Underneath the nightgown, she wore no underwear; there was nothing to stop me as I slid my hand beneath the silk to cup her breast. She moaned, rising to full consciousness with a delicious smile.
“Good morning,” she said wickedly.
“Good morning,” I growled, sucking her earlobe into my mouth.
She twisted in my arms, planting her lips firmly on mine. She tasted like the morning, like an unabbreviated, au naturale version of herself. I fell deep into the kiss, patiently sliding my tongue over hers. It was a surrender for both of us, an acknowledgment of our love. She reached one arm awkwardly behind her, trying to bring me closer.
I broke the kiss, mesmerized by the feeling of her backside against my cock. I pushed her hair away and stroked the back of her neck with my tongue, moving my hips with gentle insistence. She played along, stretching out into her pillow, allowing me full access. I slid the strap of her nightgown down her shoulder, exposing her breasts to the mattress.
She couldn’t find a place for her hands until I covered them with my own and laid them firmly on the bed. When she obeyed, I returned to my work, hooking a finger under her negligee and sliding it up over her firm behind. Without the fabric between us, my cock jumped to full attention. I rubbed the graceful arc of her bottom, eager to feel it pressing against me. She responded with a soft sigh, an invitation to me to take my time.
I pulled the nightgown over her head, casting it away onto the floor. Enchanted with this magical creature in my bed, I slid my fingers up and down her spine before reaching around to touch her belly. She stiffened slightly, responding to something that was beyond my understanding. I shook off the hesitation and reached lower, tracing the soft outline of her outer folds.
She shoved her ass against my crotch hard, begging me to continue. I parted her flower, sinking my fingers deep to find her slick and ready for sex. I slid one finger in and out gently, priming the pump. She wiggled excitedly, reaching back with an eager hand to pull me closer.
I returned her hand to the mattress firmly, leaving off my ministrations. She groaned in frustration. I laughed, finding her core again and working her toward an orgasm. Her clit was swollen and wet with lust. Her hips ground against me as I pleasured her. I brought her to the edge but wouldn’t let her fall. Instead, I drew back, prepared to penetrate that sweet abyss.
“Jason…” she moaned.
I slid home with one slick thrust. She gasped, spreading her legs wide to accommodate me. I had her pinned to the bed, my body on top of hers. Her pussy closed around me, heaven on Earth. There was nowhere for her to go and nothing for her to do but take me as I began to rock. I planted my hands on either side of her back and slid in and out, up and down.
She tilted her ass up to meet my thrusts, crying out each time I filled her. I didn’t want it to end, so I buried myself deep inside and paused, waiting out the eruption. When I found my strength, I pulled her over to one side, raising her left leg so that I could fit even deeper. Her hands were suddenly free, and she raked them over my shoulders, her eyes pressed shut. I pumped from above, her beautiful body twisted beneath me. She took my entire length and then some.
Just as I was about to lose all control, I felt her tighten around me. Her pleasure waves sent shocks through my organ, causing me to release my load. I shuddered into her, falling over her, my muscles contracting. She cried out, her voice hoarse with pleasure. I held myself deep inside her until the earthquake and all its aftershocks passed. After a moment, I slid free, leaving a void where I had been. She rolled over onto her back, looking up at me with sleep still in her eyes.
“I have to go to work,” I said.
“I guess I’ll just stay here,” she purred.
“Why don’t you spend the day with Macy and Dillon?” I asked. “You could walk over to their cabin and help them with the kids.”
She sat up. “Actually, that’s not a bad idea.”
I smiled. After that fantastic wake-up call and knowing Lindsey would be safe with friends all day, I was feeling pretty good. I took a quick shower, got dressed, and drove into the office. Dillon and Macy were good enough friends now that I didn’t feel the need to make a formal request for their help. I understood that they would welcome Lindsey in when she arrived on their doorstep. All I had to do was get my head in the work game for a few hours, and then I could go home.
I was a little late, and Ryan was already there, working. After the hair salon bust had gone so well, we were back to small-potato stuff, drunk and disorderly and domestic violence. I noticed there was one man sleeping in the corner cell.
“Rough night?” I asked.
Ryan shrugged. “No more than usual. The night shift didn’t have anything major to report. There was a drunk driver.”
“Is that him?” I pointed.
“Yep,” Ryan said.
“Listen.” I grabbed my chair and set it down at my partner’s desk. “I’m in some personal trouble.”
“What kind?” Ryan asked. “Is she pregnant?”
“What?” I shot back, stunned. “No. It’s my soon-to-be ex. I need to serve her with divorce papers, get her signature, and close that godforsaken chapter of my life.”
“What can I do to help?”
“Will you go serve her with papers?” I asked humbly.
“You got it,” he said without hesitation.
“I think she’s staying at the motel south of town. Here’s a picture of her.” I scrolled through my phone, way back in the digital records to find a passable picture of Angie. The first one that popped up, she was drinking a glass of wine at a fancy restaurant, her face pinched and sour. I texted that one to Ryan. “She’s a brunette now. Lindsey dyed her hair.”