Page 64 of Mountain Man Officer
Iwas out of a job. I wasn’t sure what my next move was going to be, but I didn’t feel like I needed to pound the pavement just yet. I had called some of my regular clients to update them about what was going on, and I had a few house calls set up already. Instead of going into the salon the next morning, I met up with Ava and Macy for coffee.
There was a new bakery in town, owned by one of our clients’ grandchildren. Ava and I accepted a free cinnamon bun each, after much arguing.
“I won’t take no for an answer,” the young proprietor said.
We thanked her, ordering coffee to go with the pastry, and picked a seat outside on the porch. It was early spring, so it was cold enough for jackets but warm enough to enjoy breakfast outdoors. I added a third cinnamon bun to our order for Macy, and the three of us ate more sugar than anyone was accustomed to eating for breakfast.
“This is so good!” Ava said around a mouthful of sugary heaven.
I agreed, licking my lips.
Macy cut into hers like a pro, finishing it off in record time. “How are you girls holding up?” she asked, wiping her fingers on a napkin.
I sipped coffee thoughtfully. “I’m okay. I’ve called a few clients, and I have a few cuts and colors set up.”
“That’s great,” Macy enthused. “How awful was it yesterday?”
“It was pretty bad,” I said.
“Yeah,” Ava commiserated. “When the guys burst in the door, I thought for sure we were all going to jail.”
“And when Katrina ran out the back window,” I said, shaking my head.
“Yeah,” Ava agreed. “Crazy.”
“All this time, I knew something was wrong, but I kept thinking it couldn’t be Katrina. I thought somehow we would find out that she was innocent or being coerced into helping the others.” I sighed. “I just can’t believe she would knowingly sell that stuff.”
“Out of our hair salon!” Ava agreed.
Macy nodded, “I can’t believe this all went down in such a small town. I mean, this is something you’d expect in Austin or Nashville, but not here.”
Ava and I were silent. We had lived in Singer’s Ridge all our lives, and we knew that even small towns had their dark sides.
“Have you told Ava?” Macy perked up.
“Oh.” I turned to my best friend. “I’m pregnant.”
“That’s amazing!” Ava reached across the table to hug me. I laughed, trying to avoid sticky fingers in my hair. “When? How?”
“You see, when a man loves a woman,” Macy began, teasing.
“Stop.” Ava threw a balled-up napkin at her. “I meant when did you find out?”
“Two days ago,” I said.
“Congratulations.” Ava straightened in her chair. “What did Jason say?”
I winced. “I haven’t actually told him yet.”
Ava exhaled dramatically.
Macy pinched her mouth tight. “You have to tell him.”
“I know,” I said.