Page 62 of Mountain Man Officer
The family came running from their front door, a mom, dad, and two kids. They stopped dead in their tracks, finding a policeman struggling with the neighborhood salon owner on their front lawn. All the fight had gone out of Katrina, and I didn’t have to warn her to be silent. She stood patiently, just thankful to be alive.
“What’s happening here?” the dad asked.
“Is that your dog?” I asked.
“It’s my dog,” one of the kids said.
“Your dog deserves a medal.” I winked. “They caught a bad guy today.”
“Really?” the kid shrieked.
“Yeah,” I laughed, walking my prisoner back down to the sidewalk. I said nothing on the entire march back to the salon. She didn’t give me any trouble, her head bowed so that her hair created a curtain in front of her eyes. She didn’t look at me or say anything. I took a glance at her torn pant leg and could see a little scratch running down into one shoe. We would have to get that looked at. She wasn’t limping, but I wanted to cross all my t’s for this case. It wouldn’t do to have her claim bodily injury in the pursuit of justice.
Back at the salon, the girls were lined up in the waiting area. Lindsey and Ava were huddled close, watching the officer who had been set to guard them. The two part-time girls were seated in chairs, holding hands. The manager and the assistant manager were in the back of one of the patrol cars, each one wearing a pair of cuffs. I deposited the owner in the other cop car, shutting the door and nodding to the officer on guard duty.
Lindsey looked up when I walked in the door but said nothing. Ava, too, watched with knowing eyes, savvy enough to keep her knowledge to herself. Ryan came up from the basement, holding a gallon-sized bag of white powder.
“There’s thirteen sacks of cash down there and another one of these.” Ryan indicated his find. “We got them.”
“Great,” I said. “Can you handle the evidence? I’ll talk to the girls?”
“You got it.” Ryan nodded. He glanced over at his ex and whispered, “I’d rather search a hundred basements than have a heart-to-heart with Ava right now.”
I grinned. We had won. Now all that was left was to pick up the pieces from the lives that the criminals had broken, starting with the four young women in the waiting area.
“My name is Detective Jason White,” I introduced myself for the benefit of the two part-time workers who didn’t know me. “This salon has been under investigation for money laundering and illegal drug distribution for six weeks. The owner, manager, and assistant manager have been caught on camera accepting drug shipments and providing sacks of cash in exchange. I won’t go into all the details.”
I was specifically speaking to the two new girls, though I could see Lindsey and Ava following along. “We’ll want to talk to each of you. As long as you’re innocent, we’re not going to charge you with conspiracy. But you need to tell us everything you know.”
“What’s going to happen to the salon?” one of the part-timers asked.
Lindsey turned to me with questioning eyes, and I saw her coworker’s concerns mirrored there. “It’ll be closed down for a bit while we conduct our full investigation,” I said.
“Does that mean we’re out of a job?” Ava asked.
“For the time being. Once the legal issues are resolved, the salon could open back up under new ownership.” I looked directly at Lindsey.
“I don’t have the money to buy this place,” she said softly.
“Okay.” I let it drop for the moment. “I’m really sorry.”
“Can I go home?” Ava asked.
“Yeah,” I agreed. “You can go. If Ryan or I have any questions, we’ll be in touch.” The girls stood up, gathered their things, and headed for the door. I stopped Lindsey as she moved with the herd. “Do you want a ride?” I whispered.
She didn’t pull away, but she didn’t meet my eyes either. “I thought you were supposed to pretend not to know me.”
“Come on, Lindsey,” I protested. “That was just professionalism.”
“It’s not professional to care about someone involved in a case?” she snapped.
“I’m sorry,” I said, trying to lighten the mood. “Next time you go to work for a drug kingpin, I’ll identify you as my girlfriend.”
She shook her head. “That’s not funny.”
“I know,” I agreed. My diversionary tactics hadn’t worked. Lindsey seemed unfocused, like she was preoccupied. I wanted to take her into the back room, sit her down, and have a deep, meaningful conversation. I wanted to take her back to the cabin and make love to her. Tomorrow morning, I would bring her breakfast in bed and not leave the room until she confessed.
But our cabin wasn’t safe anymore. Our den of love had been invaded not by an animal in human form. I had to tell her. Whatever was eating away at her would have to wait. Angie had caught up with me, and there was no telling what she would do. I was afraid the bulldozing of our home was only the beginning.