Page 52 of Mountain Man Officer
“I’m a little tipsy,” Lindsey whispered, giggling.
“You’re beautiful,” I countered.
“Are you tipsy too?”
“I’m okay.”
“Let’s walk,” she suggested.
Suddenly, I didn’t care. It would be enough to be alone with her. I didn’t have to rush her into bed. Friends were fun, but what I really craved was a connection with the woman beside me.
“Okay,” I agreed.
“We can pick up your truck tomorrow,” she whispered.
I nodded, unseen in the dark. “Let’s sit down and wait for our eyes to adjust.”
“Right.” She gripped my hand tightly as I guided her down the first two steps. We sat hip to hip, staring out into the night.
I knew Dillon’s truck was right in front of us, and mine was just beyond. Macy’s car must be somewhere close by, but I couldn’t see any of the vehicles. Lindsey put her head down against my shoulder, sighing in contentment. We sat without speaking for a long time until we were finally able to make out shapes in the darkness. Then the shapes focused into objects, and we could navigate our way through the forest.
“Do you know which way our cabin is?” Lindsey asked.
I pointed. I was good with directions, and I knew that our cabin wasn’t far away. Holding her hand protectively, I pulled her up off the porch steps, and we set out into the night. We heard an owl somewhere close by, and the crickets chirped in the background. It was like a symphony performing just for us. It was easy to imagine that there was no one else in the world, just the two of us. Leaves crunched underfoot as we wove our way through the trees to the clearing in front of our own cabin.
“I have something to confess,” I said.
“What is it?” she asked.
“I’m still married.” I let the words out, and they felt like a betrayal.
“What?” Her voice lowered several octaves.
“Soon to be divorced,” I recovered quickly. “My wife was… difficult, possibly abusive. She took all the money she could get her hands on and ran away. I haven’t seen her in months. As soon as I can find her, I’m gonna file for divorce.”
“Oh.” Lindsey’s voice returned to normal as she digested the information.
“Does that bother you?”
I could barely see her shaking her head, but I felt her hand reach for mine. “No. You have a right to be happy. She sounds awful. I just wasn’t expecting something so crazy.”
I inhaled relief, having crossed a bridge I had been reluctant to try. I had thought Lindsey would be angry, but she understood. Angie’s ghost wouldn’t get in the way of whatever newfound feelings were developing between us.
By the time we reached home, I was ravenous. The whole night I had played the gentleman, making polite conversation and keeping my fantasies at bay. Now that was over. We were alone in the mountains, on our own property, and Lindsey would be mine. I picked her up and carried her up the porch steps. She gave out a surprised laugh, circling my neck with her arms to steady herself.
I set her down for one second to fit my key in the lock.
“Jason…” she breathed.
“Shh.” I put a finger to my lips. I didn’t want any conversation to interfere with the night I had planned. We were done with conversation; now was the time for action. As soon as I got the door open, I swept her up in my arms and carried her into the living room.
I took her straight to the bed, my bed, and threw her down. She landed with a giggle and a huff of air. I sat down next to her, taking one slender calf in both my hands. I kissed her leg as if it were a meal I planned to eat, a succulent delicacy that I would savor. I slid her high heel off and dropped it to the floor, retrieving her other leg and kissing that one too.
She sighed, relaxing into the comforter. I removed her remaining shoe and dropped it, turning toward her. I climbed onto the bed slowly, until I was leaning over her, hands planted on opposite sides of her chest. She smiled up at me in the dark. Before I could stop her, I felt nails scratching down my back, gentle above the fabric of my shirt.
“I don’t know how I survived that board game,” I whispered.
“You did very well, but I could tell you were dying to get to the next part of the night,” she admitted.