Page 79 of Maxim
I can feel him, pulsing between my legs. My silk shorts are soaked. He reaches down and tears them off me, the delicate fabric ripping like rice paper. I ought to be angry - the set was expensive - but I don’t care.
He’s on me, in me, sliding inside slowly, taking his sweet time. The heavy weight of him pressing down on me should feel suffocating, but instead, it feels perfect. My soft curves mold around his hard planes. We fit together like we were made for each other.
“Fuck, you feel so damn good,” he pants in my ear. “So fucking tight and hot around my dick.”
I dig my nail into his back and he chuckles. “Tell me what you want, malyshka.”
“Harder, deeper!” I’m not usually demanding but tonight, I need him to fuck me hard enough to make me forget everything.
He growls when I sink my teeth into his pectoral. With one hard thrust, he slams into me and I scream but the sound is swallowed by his mouth.
Every powerful thrust takes me higher until I can barely remember my own name. I grip his shoulders, clenching around him until finally, I shatter into a million pieces and the fear is washed away.
All that’s left is pleasure. White-hot, blinding pleasure that leaves me boneless.
Max follows me over the edge with a long, low groan. I feel him pulse inside me, hot and wet, and then he slips out and falls to the side, pulling me with him.
The covers are a mess and the sheet is damp with sweat and cum but I don’t care. My nightmare is forgotten and I sink back into sleep.
Chapter fifty-six
The moment I open my eyes, my phone buzzes. Five missed calls and a fuck ton of messages from Sasha and Kolya. Fuck my life. Something has clearly gone down while I’ve been wrapped up in the sweet arms of my malyshka.
Sasha is right, as always. I am distracted, but I refuse to give her up. She’s wormed her way under my skin and into my heart. Seeing how afraid she was last night almost broke me.
I never want her to feel that way again. If Kolanski thinks he can hurt her to stop her from writing her story, he’ll have to get through me first.
I’m not an idiot. I understand that a story exposing the dark side of our city will cast an unwelcome spotlight on my activities, but the casino development is above board and the paperwork is legit. There is nothing linking me to the mayor other than in-person meetings and a few phone calls. Certainly nothing that would see me investigated.
Europol knows I’m up to my neck in shady shit but they have nothing concrete on me or the Bratva. And besides, if they do start investigating again, my contact on the inside is paid well to disrupt things and dispose of any evidence they come up with.
Right now, I give no fucking shits what happens to Kolanski. If he ends up splashed all over the Daily Journal and it blows up on X, then fantastic. I hope he enjoys his 15 minutes of fame.
I didn’t miss the fact his assistant turned up dead. No doubt she saw things she wasn’t supposed to. I never did get to the bottom of why Natalya was so upset the other night when I found her sobbing her heart out, but I have a feeling it had something to do with the woman’s death.
Given my malyshka is investigating Kolanski, it makes sense she might have had contact with the woman. It could also be why Kolasnki’s assistant ended up dead. The official line is that she was depressed and took her own life, but the unofficial line, according to Sasha, who took a look at the police case file for me, is that she was struck over the head before she ended up in the river: cause of death, drowning.
No doubt Kolanski and his pet, Uriov, have paid off people to prevent that from getting out. As to who killed her, well, the most likely explanation is Uriov handed the task to one of the lesser gangs he’s recruited.
The woman was middle-aged. She had no chance of fighting off a drugged-up thug. And now she’s out of the way, Natalya could be next.
I make a mental note to increase the security detail on my malyshka. She already has two guys following her around. They haven’t reported any issues so far, but it’s only a matter of time.
“Where the fuck are you?” Sasha sounds pissed when I return his call.
“At Natalya’s.” I pull on my pants and stalk out of the bedroom. Natalya is still fast asleep, curled up on her side, her hair a hot mess. She looks delicious and my cock is unhappy I’m not still in bed with her. But as much as I’d love to wake her up with my tongue in her cunt, work calls.
“It’s been a shit show overnight. More Ghost Chili fucking up users, who are all blaming us, by the way, because the dealers selling this shit claim to be working for us. Oh, and some assholes hit a bar around 2 AM, where a few of the guys were drinking. It was a fucking bloodbath.”
“Jesus fucking Christ. Kolya rang, any clue what he wanted before I call him back?”
“Yeah. He was at the bar when it all went down. He took out three of the guys but the other two got away. Boris and Lazlo were shot but they’ll be fine. Both are out of action for a while though. It’s lucky Kolya wasn’t smashed out of his skull when these clowns arrived, or it would have been a lot worse.”
“Why was he drinking in some dive bar?” Kolya isn’t much of a drinker. He says his body is a fucking temple.
“No idea, I was too busy wiping all the security footage to ask,” Sasha snipes.