Page 37 of Maxim
Cursing under my breath, I toss my phone in my desk drawer where I don’t have to look at it. I don’t have time for his bullshit.
Three hours later, I’m desperate for more coffee and carbs. My head hurts from staring at my screen and the omelet I ate at Max’s place has long since been digested.
The emails on the drive are as vague as the last lot. There are lots of mentions of cargo and acquisitions, but nothing concrete. The only thing of interest is that the mayor mentions some real estate he’s purchased.
I Googled the location and checked property listings in that area. The only one that matches the location is for a large agricultural property. Though why the mayor would want to buy a derelict farm I have no clue.
The property looks fairly run-down in the photos. There are various outbuildings and an old house that appears to have been empty for quite some time. The only real selling point it has is that it comes with several thousand acres of land, a wind turbine, and a drinking water well, which makes it self-sufficient.
I make a note of the address and decide to check it out in the next week. It’s a fair distance away so I’d need a full day to go there. I don’t like the idea of driving all that way on my own, but I can’t ask anyone to come with me.
Just as I’m checking my diary to see what’s coming up, our group chat pings.
Jane: Drinks later? *wine glass* emojis.
Me: Can’t. Dinner date.
Jane: WITH WHO!!!!!
Me: …
Jane: You better spill or I’m coming over right now!
Amanda: *face with raised eyebrow* emoji
Me: Hot guy from last weekend…
Jane: *eggplant* emoji.
I shut down the chat. Despite what Jane thinks, I’m not sleeping with the guy. For starters, he’s shady as fuck, and second, it’s too risky getting involved with anyone. Not while I’m investigating the mayor and danger seems to be following me around. Sure, Max can handle himself, but I’d rather keep him in the friend zone.
Amanda: Be safe and let us know how it goes.
The ‘be safe’ message is a bucket of cold water. My friends know exactly what I went through with Rick. I love that they’re concerned about me, but it’s a timely reminder that I can’t be trusted to pick up on red flags like normal women.
Me: Drinks tomorrow night.
Jane: Can’t wait *winking face with tongue* emoji
Amanda: *face blowing a kiss* emoji
Chapter twenty-six
The cream wrap dress I’ve chosen swishes around my legs as I step out of the cab. It’s a warm evening but I’m wearing my favorite leather jacket. I was tempted to pin my hair up but decided at the last minute to leave it down. If I feel nervous, I can hide behind it.
This evening is not a date, I tell myself as I step through the door of the restaurant. It’s simply a dinner with a guy I know. Of course, if this wasn’t an actual date with a guy I’m attracted to, then I would have shown up in jeans.
I sigh. Yeah, I’m delusional.
Jane and Amanda know this is a date.
Hell, even I know this is a date.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a motherfucking duck.
There’s no sign of Max so I head over to the bar and order a drink. The hostess tries asking me if I’ve booked a table but I brush her off. If Max doesn’t show, I’d rather just pretend I’m here for a quick drink and then leave.