Page 20 of Maxim
She dips her head in response, refusing to look at me. The glass she’s holding trembles slightly as she takes another deep swallow. Her throat bobs and an inappropriate image of my cock buried deep in that same throat triggers a painful erection.
It is completely irrational but I want to comfort her, let her know she’s truly safe. Without analyzing my actions too closely, I step closer so her back is against my chest and she’s hemmed in by my arms.
Her small sharp inhale tells me she can feel how hard I am, although doesn’t try and pull away.
Yeah, it’s probably a bad time to be getting up close and personal, given the fact she’s likely remembering how that asshole hurt her, but my dick has a mind of his own.
I’m just along for the ride.
My hand snakes around her waist and she turns in my arms. I almost groan out loud at how soft her breasts are against my hard chest. The way she fits neatly into my shoulder feels just right. Perfect.
Then my phone buzzes in my pocket and the moment is broken.
Natalya jerks away, her cheeks flushed. She bites her plump lip as I quickly check who’s calling me. It’s Kolya. Knowing he wouldn’t disturb me unless it was urgent, I step away from Natalya.
“Sorry, malyshka, I have to take this.” The fact she exhales and relaxes slightly irritates me but I don’t have time to tell her my absence is only temporary. In all likelihood, this is the end of my evening.
I answer Kolya’s call once I reach a quiet area outside the main hall.
“Warehouse 12 is on fire, boss, our security’s been taken out.”
My jaw clenches and I grip the phone so tightly a hairline crack appears on the screen. “How many dead?”
“Five. The shipment was taken.” I can hear yelling in the background but Kolya is calm.
“Contain the area. I’m on my way.” Artem is waiting outside, so I head toward the exit, ignoring a few curious glances from guests milling around.
As much as I wanted to use this evening as an opportunity to find out what the fuck the mayor is up to, I can’t leave Kolya to deal with this little problem alone.
Not with several of my men dead and tens of thousands of dollars worth of weapons missing.
Chapter fourteen
Now that Max has gone, I can breathe again. I should be pleased he’s left. But as much as his intense, overbearing personality scares me, I can’t ignore the attraction I feel.
Max is the first man since Rick who has provoked any kind of physical response. My body still hums with needy desire and my nipples are so hard they could cut glass. When he held me in his arms, so close I could feel his huge erection, I was two seconds away from climbing him like a tree.
I’m almost ashamed of my lack of restraint. I’m supposed to be working, goddammit!
Speaking of…
James hustles over, lugging his heavy camera bag. He looks pissed.
“Where the fuck have you been?” he snaps, lips pursed at the sight of me with a glass of something suspiciously alcoholic. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
“Clearly not that hard.” I roll my eyes and lift my glass. He doesn’t appreciate my sarcasm. “Look, it’s all in hand. I’m talking to the mayor after his speech. You can get some shots of him then. Then we can get the fuck out of here.”
“Good,” he grumbles, dropping the camera bag. “I have a Tinder date standing by.”
I snort. James has a reputation for fucking anything with a pulse, male or female, so this doesn’t surprise me.
“Heaven forbid you don’t get your dick wet for once.” I suppose I should be happy for him. At least one of us is unashamedly getting some.
He waggles his eyebrows suggestively. “Always happy to share…”
Gross. James is so not my type. Much too lanky, with not enough hair. Nothing like…Max.