Page 10 of Just A Kiss
I wake up for the second time this morning to my cell ringing. I pry my heavy lids open and roll over to grab it off my nightstand. “Hello?” I ask roughly and then clear my throat.
“Wake up,” Hadley orders. “We gotta talk.”
I sit up immediately, pushing my wild and crazy hair away from my face. My heart beats faster. “I just spoke to you earlier. You okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine. This is about you.”
“What about me?” I ask through a yawn.
“Why the hell is Asher calling me into his office to question me about you?”
My eyes widen. “I don’t know …”
“What else happened last night that you’re not telling me?”
“Andrea, I know when you’re lying, and this is one of those times.”
I sigh heavily. “Can you meet me tonight?”
“Yes. Aiden and Asher have a late meeting. Do you have to work?”
“I’ll be there around seven?”
“Sounds good.”
“See you then. And Andrea …”
“You better be ready to tell me everything.”
I hang up and lie back down. Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag. At least it will be by seven fifteen tonight.
* * *
I hadoff from my day job, so I was able to catch up on some sleep. But I don’t think you ever actually catch up on the sleep you miss.
I’m standing behind the bar when, true to her word, Hadley comes walking through the door. She gives me a huge smile as she slides on a barstool at the bar. “Gosh, it’s been a long time since I’ve been here.”
“Well, you’ve been busy,” I tell her. Even though she and Aiden just recently married, they’ve been inseparable for the past two years.
“I’m all yours”—she looks down at her watch— “for the next thirty minutes. So spill.”
I laugh. “What? Not even gonna buy me a drink first?” I joke. She tilts her head to the side, and my laughter grows. “Okay. Okay.” Placing my hands on the bar, I lean over it and whisper, “Asher and I slept together.” Might as well get to the point.
She gasps loudly. “Last night?”
I bite my bottom lip and whisper nervously. “In Tahiti.”
“What?” she squeals. “Oh my God, Andrea. Why are you just now telling me this?”
“’Cause you’ve been busy,” I answer with a shrug.
She lets out a long sigh. “I’m sorry.”