Page 7 of Filled
“You need a ride?”
“No, they’re sending someone to pick me up.”
“Cool.” He kisses me on the cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that, he’s gone.
He didn’t ask about how I’d get home or even say thank you for the cash. This is so messed up, and I’m really starting to see it now. I sit down on my bed and put my face in my hands. I’m trying not to cry, but this whole situation is horrible. I was willing to do more with Angus and he’s freaking engaged! How can I have this guilty feeling about dancing with someone else tonight when he would have paid for me to sleep with him? At least I think that’s what the extra money was for, but I didn’t stop to ask.
My phone rings, and I see it’s the agency. “This is Bambi,” I answer, trying to sound like I’m in a good mood.
“I heard you caused quite a scene last night,” Vivian says.
“It wasn’t my fault.” I rush to explain that I can’t control other people’s actions.
“I never said it was.” I can hear her clicking on her computer. “You passed your first day. The client was so satisfied he didn’t want to let you go.” She chuckles at her own joke.
“Did he book another night?” I really shouldn’t have that kind of hope. Angus went nuts, but he’s getting married.
Vivian laughs again. “No, he’s in a jail cell, I would imagine.”
A knot forms in my stomach, and I feel guilty. I led him on at least a little, and I would have kept going without the money. Then he pulled the cash out, and it sparked some dark fantasy I didn’t know I had.
“I’ve got you lined up for another dance. You think you can handle that?”
“How much? I’m really looking to make four thousand tonight,” I admit. Maybe she can book me a few dances? If they’re only an hour, I could do a handful and be done with all this.
“Greedy, I like it. I’ll see what I can do, but Robert will be there at six to pick you up.”
“Thanks,” I say before she ends the call. I flop back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. It’s peeling and stained with dark splotches. I close my eyes and focus on getting this done. “Tonight. I can do this and then it will be over.”
Until Jero gets in trouble again, my brain reminds me, and I know it’s only a matter of time. I’m already wondering if he lied to me about the whole interest thing. It sounds crazy high, but what do I know about loan sharks?
I make myself get up and shower so I can start getting ready. I decide on the same kind of outfit as last night, but this time it’s a sheer pink. The only thing I have that matches it are white panties and a bra. They seemed to work last time, and when I stare at myself in the mirror, I can’t help but wonder what Angus would think.
When I left the room, Robert laughed at my dancing. He said I looked untrained and told me if I gave him a dance, he could point things out and show me how to do it right. I passed on his offer. If he wants a dance, he needs to talk to Vivian and pay for it. I pray he doesn’t because I don’t think I could follow through. He gave me the creeps.
I put on just a little makeup as Vivian suggested before slipping on my shoes and finding my coat. I head into the kitchen to get a snack before it’s time to go. I run my finger along the cracked vinyl on the counter, and my mind drifts to Angus.
My body starts to heat as a slow throb builds between my legs. I look down at myself and see that my nipples are poking through my thin bra. I wonder if I should go back into my bedroom and touch myself before I leave? Before I can make up my mind, there’s a knock on my door. I glance at the clock on the microwave—Robert shouldn’t be here for another thirty minutes.
When I look through the peephole, I see it’s him and open the door.
“You’re early. I need to grab my stuff.” He steps inside and closes the door behind him. Yesterday he waited in the car, so I’m not sure why he’s coming inside now. “Can I get you a water or something?”
His eyes scan down my body, making me remember I don’t have my coat on yet. “I’m your first client.” He smirks at me.
“That can’t be right. You have to book an appointment and pay.” He pulls out his wallet and tosses some money onto the counter. When I see the bills lying there, I don’t get that same excitement as I did when Angus did it last night.