Page 56 of Close Your Eyes
I can feel Ledger’s eyes on me. I can feel the want he has for me radiating off him in waves, catching me up in the heat of his need.
I can always feel him.
He wants me. I want him.
Why can’t we just be horrible people and give into that want? Or, why can’t we just accept it’ll never happen and move on? Move away from one another.
Easier said than done, I guess.
Bane leans in close to my ear, and I brace myself for his next words, “Because I can do whatever I want to you. I own you.”
It’s true. He does.
A debt for a lifetime of debt. I’ll be paying my father’s debt off for the rest of my life. And I should be grateful Bane doesn’t toss me aside and kill my father instead.
So, I bat my lashes, trying my best to play the part of doting fiancée, even though we both know I’m anything but, and say, “I’ll make it worth your while if you wait until we’re properly married.” I have no idea what these words mean. What could I possibly offer him?
But Bane takes the bait, baring his teeth at me. “Worth it, huh? You’d better not be playing me, or else I’ll wring your little neck as I fuck you deep.”
I suck in a breath, blinking rapidly at him. “I wouldn’t dare.”
He laughs, remembering he is putting on a show in front of his friends and enemies here tonight. He holds me close, finishing off our dance as the slow song ends. “Go mingle,” he tells me.
I rush away from him, heading straight up to my room, not wanting to see anyone right now. How the hell did I get myself into this mess?
I slam the door shut behind me, breathing deep. I don’t want to have sex with Bane. I don’t. I’ve learned everything I can about sex, and how much it’ll hurt the first time. And I know Bane will be rough with me.
How can he not be?
He doesn’t care about me.
It’s going to hurt, and it’ll forever hurt with him.
I need to return to the party before Bane realizes I’m missing, but I can’t bring myself to just yet. I suck in some more cleansing breaths, and spin around to open my door.
Before I can there’s a light rap against the wood, and I swing the door open. “Ledger?” I question with wide eyes. “What are you doing? Why don’t you go back to the blonde?”
He pushes me inside my bedroom, closing the door shut and locking it. “Are you okay?” he asks me, his eyes pouring over me.
“I’m fine, why?”
“You and Bane looked like you were in a heated discussion. It didn’t look like two people who love each other.”
I cross my arms. “I’m surprised you even saw us while dancing with that woman.”
He inches closer. “She’s Dev’s girl, Chloe. The one who just had the baby. Now are you okay?”
My mood lightens a bit, and I adore Ledger for looking out for me. Even though he doesn’t need to.
I stare into his dark eyes, wanting more than anything to rest my hands on both his cheeks, and bring him in for a passionate kiss.
It would be passionate.
Just like before.
There’s this connection between the two of us I can’t deny, but I laugh instead of doing any of those things.
“I’m fine. We’re fine. Just wedding details we’re not agreeing on,” I say with a gentle laugh, trying my best to pretend everything is all right.