Page 40 of Close Your Eyes
From her voice that floats over me, asking me what’s wrong. I can’t tell her that I’m jealous as fuck.
That I want to rip that wedding dress off her. That I want her to lower to her knees, apologize for making me feel this anguish. This despair of never being able to have her.
But I can’t say any of that.
I won’t say any of it. “I’m fine. Wear whatever dress you want. It’s your wedding. For fuck’s sake.” My tone is downright hostile, and Posey stands from the couch.
“Why are you so angry?”
I spin around to face her, stalking to her in three angry strides until we’re standing toe-to-toe. “I’m angry because you should get what you want. It’s your wedding. If you want to walk down the aisle in a white t-shirt and fucking pink tutu, you should be able to. It’s your day, nobody else’s. You’re the bride. You should get to do whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want?” she asks me, anger on the edge of her voice. “I don’t get to do whatever I want.”
I invade her personal space, my face so close to hers, our noses almost touching. “What do you want?” I ask her, my body humming with need.
“I…I don’t know. I know I don’t want…” her words fall away as her breaths come out in short pants. “I want…” she can’t finish her sentence, and my veins thrum with desire.
“What do you want, Posey?” I ask her, moving my hand to cup her face. “Tell me.” Fuck. My resolve is nearly cracking. My body shakes.
My dick grows hard as her scent overwhelms me. The seconds tick between us, both of us silent as we study each other.
There’s a knock at the door, and I want to curse the ever-loving fuck out of whoever is on the other side. Neither of us move, frozen in this stand off with each other.
The knocking continues until I move away, pissed off that I’m being interrupted.
Lazarus stands on the other side, and nods at Posey. “Let’s go,” he gruffs out.
“Where’s Bane?” she asks in a timid voice.
“He’s already left.”
That pisses me off even more. Mother fucker can’t even wait for her. What the fuck kind of relationship do they have?
I need to find out.
I walk Posey to the exit of the club and help her into the SUV to take her back to him. To her fiancé.
To the lucky bastard who gets to have her.
Chapter 14
“Are you listening to me, Dad?” I stand with a hand planted firmly on my hip, my gaze scrutinizing my father as he diligently taps away at his computer, the soft light of the screen casting shadows across his face.
He pauses, his fingers hovering over the keyboard, and lifts his eyes to meet mine. “Yes. What were you saying?” With a decisive click, he shuts the laptop, swiveling in his chair to fully focus on me, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity. “Are you nervous about the wedding?”
I shake my head, though the queasy sensation in my stomach threatens to betray my calm exterior. It’s been churning all morning, a relentless roil of nerves and dread that refuses to dissipate.
Last night’s encounter with Ledger at the club still lingers in my mind, a tense exchange that has left me on edge ever since. The memory plays like a loop in my mind, each repetition only intensifying my desire. My want.
As I returned home, the weight of anticipation settled in my chest, my phone clutched tightly against my racing heart. I yearned for his message, a lifeline in a sea of uncertainty.
“I’m not nervous about the wedding,” I assure my father, meeting his gaze with a sense of determination tinged with apprehension.
His eyes, filled with hope and a father’s love, search mine, and a gentle smile graces his lips. The telltale crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes deepen as he leans forward, his expression encouraging. “So, what’s the problem?”
The words catch in my throat, a knot of conflicting emotions threatening to suffocate me. I long to confide in my father, to unburden myself of the weighty truth that sits heavy on my heart. But the fear of disappointing him holds me back.